aggregate production externalities, 212±213
nonexclusive goods, 181
Plug±van Praag±Hartog Wrst-best tax
methodology, 511±512
Policy-relevant externalities
overview, 145±146
public sector analysis, 146±147
Pollution analysis
consumption±production externalities
interpersonal equity conditions, 237
overview, 235±237
pareto±optimal conditions, 237±239
marginal cost equalization, 257±258
standards legislation
consumption±production externality, 241
diYculties, 239±240
least-cost taxing, 243±245
opportunity cost minimization, 243
pareto±optimal condition, 242
second-best approach, 240
U.S. antipollution policies, 262±270
Jorgenson analysis, 132±134
pareto±optimal redistribution, 313±315
PPH methodology, see also Plug±van
Praag±Hartog methodology
Present value calculations
cost±beneWt analysis, 720±721, 806±808
Marglin±Feldstein view, 748±750
opportunity cost of public funds
consumption±investment mix, 737±738
MRS, 734±736
MRT, 736±737
overview, 733
project beneWt reinvestment, 738±739
social rate of time preference, 739±740
Principal±agent problem, private information,
Private donations, crowding out
Andreoni model of public, private charity,
public choice perspective, 310
Private information
bargaining, 671±674
Besley±Coate model of welfare stigma,
Besley±Coate model of workfare, 646±651
in-kind transfers
Blackorby±Donaldson model, 641±646
lump-sum redistributions, 487±489
market power, 674±676
nonexclusive externalities, 676±677
overview, 493±494, 668±669
public sector economics, 17±20
second-best analysis, 76, 393±396
second-best public expenditure, 628
taxation, 485±522
Private investment
consumption mix, opportunity cost of
public funds, 737±738
discount rate, 722±724
uncertainty, 724
Process equity, government policy goals,
Production externalities
condensed model, 206±208
deWnition, 148
municipal waste-treatment facilities,
nonconvex production, 229±231
Production rules
nonoptimal taxes
balanced-budget changes in t and Z,
basic rules, 704±705
special cases, 706±707
second-best analysis, equity role, 709±714
Progressive tax
vertical equity, 352±353
Young's vertical equity principles, 360±361
Project beneWts, reinvestment, 738±739
Property rights, aggregate production
externalities, 228±229
Property tax
commercial and industrial, median voter
model, 912
incidence, 568±569
Pechman±Okner studies, 590±592
Proportional tax
dead-weight loss generation, 418±419
vertical equity, 352±353
Young's vertical equity principles, 359±360
Public agencies, Boiteux problem, 687±689
Public assistance
cash transfers, 636±638
private giving comparison, 324±326
Public choice theory
overview, 309±311
public sector economics, 26±29
Public discount rate, cost±beneWt analysis,
723, 731±757
expenditures, second-best analysis
basic analysis technique, 625±626
government production, 629
private information, 628
social welfare maximization, 627
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