Public Policymaking in India

Book description

Public Policymaking in India integrates various elements of the policymaking process that have, till date, been dealt with separately. These include interest group politics, the role of the media, judicial policymaking, and policy entrepreneurship by civil society groups. Policymaking is no longer a privileged activity of the government: As the boundary between the government and the "outside" has become more porous, the power of non-state policy actors outside the government has increased enormously. The author points to the ways in which the policymaker can cope with this brave new world of policymaking. He also grounds the theory of policymaking in concrete examples of the Green Revolution, economic reforms, patent law amendments, regulation of private educational institutions, and laying down of standards for cola drinks, thereby facilitating easy comprehension and retention of concepts.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Brief Contents
  4. Contents
  5. About the Author
  6. List of Figures
  7. List of Appendices
  8. Foreword
  9. Preface
  10. 1. Introduction
  11. 2. Uniqueness and Typology of Public Policy
    1. Is Public Policy Unique?
    2. Types of Policy
  12. 3. Policy Processes
    1. Nature of Policy Processes
    2. Processes in the Executive
    3. Parliamentary Processes
    4. Processes to Manage the Ruling Party–Government Interface
    5. Policy Evolution During Implementation
    6. It Ain’t Over Even After It Is Over
  13. 4. Basics of Negotiation Theory
    1. Neustadt: Governance Is Persuasion and Bargaining
    2. Salient Characteristics of Negotiations
    3. Issue, Position and Interests
    4. Substantive and Relational Outcomes
    5. Internal and External Negotiations
    6. Multiparty Negotiations and Coalition Dynamics
    7. Multiple Issues and Linkages
    8. Integrative and Distributive Negotiations
    9. Three Dimensions of Negotiations
    10. Securing Agreements
    11. Constructive Ambiguity
    12. Power in Negotiations
    13. Preparations for Negotiations: Strategic Thinking
    14. Not Everything Can or Should Be Negotiated
    15. Multilateral Negotiations
  14. 5. Agenda Setting, and Scope and Pace of Policy Change
    1. The Kingdon Schema
    2. The Power of Ideas: Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts
    3. Policy Entrepreneurship
  15. 6. Decision-making and Implementation in Government
    1. Allison’s Models
    2. Simon’s Bounded Rationality and Lindblom’s Incrementalism
    3. SOPs for Policymaking
    4. Models of Implementation
  16. 7. Policy Environment: Interest Groups
    1. Classification of Interest Groups
    2. Strategies of Collective Action
    3. Olson’s Logic of Collective Action
    4. Politics of Policy: Wilson’s Matrix
    5. Changing Profile of Interest Group Activity
    6. Structured Pluralism, and Marxist and Public Choice Approach to Interest Group Politics
  17. 8. Policy Environment: The Media
    1. Institutional Role
    2. The Double-headed Institution
    3. Changing Profile of the Media
    4. Coverage, Style and Treatment
    5. Ethics
    6. Managing the Media
  18. 9. Strategic Thinking on the Process and Politics of Policymaking
    1. Strategic Thinking on Policy Development
    2. Mapping the Situational Context
    3. Mapping the Configurational Context
    4. Current Whitehall Guidelines on Policymaking
  19. 10. Judicial Policymaking
    1. Judicial Policymaking in Implementation
    2. Judicial Review
    3. Enhanced Role of Judiciary in Policymaking: Theory of Void and Doctrine of Necessity
    4. Formalism and Legal Realism
    5. Competing Schools of Constitutional Interpretation
    6. Human Rights Paradigm, Judicial Activism and Judicial Globalization
    7. Common Features of Legislative, Executive and Judicial Policymaking
    8. PILs and Innovations in Judicial Procedures
    9. When Can Judicial Policymaking be Effective?
    10. In Conclusion
  20. Appendices
    1. Appendix 1
    2. Appendix 2
    3. Appendix 3
    4. Appendix 4
    5. Appendix 5
    6. Appendix 6
    7. Appendix 7
    8. Appendix 8
    9. Appendix 9
  21. Notes
  22. Bibliography
  23. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Public Policymaking in India
  • Author(s): R.V. . Ayyar
  • Release date: October 2009
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9788131772225