Solving Common Problems in Writing E-Books

On any lengthy, complex project such as an e-book, you inevitably run into a few sticky spots. Some originate from outside the work itself (your personal circumstances change, for example), and others originate from within the e-book (perhaps you realize that Chapters 10–12 are massively off-course). If you’re up against a problem, look for a solution in this list:

check.png I have several ideas, and I don’t know which e-book to write first. You might have a whole list of potential books to work on. In many cases, though, it doesn’t matter much which e-book you tackle first — as long as you tackle only one and see it through to the end.

tip.eps Think hard about your goals and motivations for writing an e-book, and choose the idea that best fits. (For example, if you want a good income stream, choose whichever project has the strongest potential market.) If you’re still unsure, tackle the smallest idea first — the one that will be the shortest e-book.

check.png I thought I had enough material for a 25,000-word e-book, but I wrapped it all up in 10,000 words. Some writers excel at conveying information and ideas concisely — an important skill, but one ...

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