Using Your Facebook Page to Engage with Your Readers

Enticing people to like your page is only the first step in engaging readers. After they’re on board, either encourage them to buy your first e-book, or (if they’ve already bought it) keep them engaged and interested so that they’re more likely to buy from you again.

If weeks go by and you don’t update your page, readers will forget about your e-book. If you update only with promotional messages (or with chatty messages that seem irrelevant to your readers), they’ll hide your updates from their Facebook News Feed (and they may Unlike your page, too).

remember.eps Ideally, you should add new material to your Facebook page at least three times a week or even every day. Updating needn’t take long — and Facebook has plenty of ways for you to add interesting items, such as updates about your current e-book in progress or photos.

You can easily post a link to a new blog post, which Facebook automatically formats to include the first few words of your post, plus an image from it. (If your post has several images, you get to select one.) You can see one of my blog post links in Figure 16-4, complete with a thumbnail version of my photo from New York City.

Figure 16-4: Posting a link on Facebook.


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