The hierarchy
So far, we've only used a single Hiera data source (common.yaml
). Actually, you can have as many data sources as you like. Each usually corresponds to a YAML file, and they are listed in the hierarchy
section of the hiera.yaml
file, with the highest-priority source first and the lowest last:
hierarchy: ... - name: "Host-specific data" path: "nodes/%{facts.hostname}.yaml" - name: "OS release-specific data" path: "os/%{facts.os.release.major}.yaml" - name: "OS distro-specific data" path: "os/%{facts.os.distro.codename}.yaml" - name: "Common defaults" path: "common.yaml"
In general, though, you should keep as much data as possible in the common.yaml
file, simply because it's easier to find and maintain data if it's in one place, rather ...
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