Pure JavaScript

Book description

Pure JavaScript is a substantial and focused reference for experienced Web developers. This book begins with an accelerated introduction to the newest features of JavaScript so that experienced Web developers can quickly understand the concepts of JavaScript and begin developing their own JavaScript solutions immediately. Pure JavaScript also contains insightful programming techniques, complete with well-commented code examples that you can immediately use in your own JavaScripts. This book contains the most complete, easily accessible JavaScript object reference with syntax, definitions, and examples of well-commented code for each entry.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Tell Us What You Think!
  5. Introduction
  6. A Programmer's Overview of JavaScript
    1. What Is JavaScript to a Programmer?
      1. Object based Technology
      2. Security
      3. Advantages of JavaScript
      4. When to Use JavaScript
      5. Moving On
    2. Details of the Language
      1. Things to Know about JavaScript Syntax
      2. Data Types and Variables
      3. Operators
      4. Loops and Conditionals
      5. Functions
      6. Pattern Matching
    3. Server-Side JavaScript
      1. How Does Server-Side Differ from Client-Side?
      2. Uses of Server-Side JavaScript
      3. The JavaScript Application Manager
      4. Moving On
  7. Programming in JavaScript
    1. The JavaScript Runtime Environment
      1. Supporting Browsers and Their Issues
      2. Extended Browser Functionality
      3. Moving On
    2. Forms, Cookies, Windows, and Layers
      1. Form Processing
      2. JavaScript and Cookies
      3. Windows in Action
      4. Dynamic HTML Element Positioning
      5. Dynamic Positioning In Navigator and Internet Explorer
  8. JavaScript Reference by Object
    1. Core Syntax
      1. Operators
      2. abstract
      3. arguments
      4. arguments.callee
      5. arguments.caller
      6. arguments.length
      7. Array
      8. Array.concat()
      9. Array.join()
      10. Array.length
      11. Array.pop()
      12. Array.prototype
      13. Array.push()
      14. Array.reverse()
      15. Array.shift()
      16. Array.slice()
      17. Array.sort()
      18. Array.splice()
      19. Array.toSource()
      20. Array.toString()
      21. Array.unshift()
      22. Array.valueOf()
      23. boolean
      24. Boolean
      25. Boolean.prototype
      26. Boolean.toSource()
      27. Boolean.toString()
      28. Boolean.valueOf()
      29. break
      30. byte
      31. case
      32. char
      33. class
      34. const
      35. continue
      36. Date
      37. Date.getDate()
      38. Date.getDay()
      39. Date.getFullYear()
      40. Date.getHours()
      41. Date.getMilliseconds()
      42. Date.getMinutes()
      43. Date.getMonth()
      44. Date.getSeconds()
      45. Date.getTime()
      46. Date.getTimezoneOffset()
      47. Date.getUTCDate()
      48. Date.getUTCDay()
      49. Date.getUTCFullYear()
      50. Date.getUTCHours()
      51. Date.getUTCMilliseconds()
      52. Date.getUTCMinutes()
      53. Date.getUTCMonth()
      54. Date.getUTCSeconds()
      55. Date.getYear()
      56. Date.parse()
      57. Date.prototype
      58. Date.setDate()
      59. Date.setFullYear()
      60. Date.setHours()
      61. Date.setMilliseconds()
      62. Date.setMinutes()
      63. Date.setMonth()
      64. Date.setSeconds()
      65. Date.setTime()
      66. Date.setUTCDate()
      67. Date.setUTCFullYear()
      68. Date.setUTCHours()
      69. Date.setUTCMilliseconds()
      70. Date.setUTCMinutes()
      71. Date.setUTCMonth()
      72. Date.setUTCSeconds()
      73. Date.setYear()
      74. Date.toGMTString()
      75. Date.toLocaleString()
      76. Date.toSource()
      77. Date.toString()
      78. Date.toUTCString()
      79. Date.UTC()
      80. Date.valueOf()
      81. debugger
      82. default
      83. delete
      84. double
      85. do…while
      86. enum
      87. escape()
      88. eval()
      89. export
      90. extends
      91. false
      92. final
      93. finally
      94. float
      95. for
      96. for…in
      97. function
      98. Function()
      99. Function.apply()
      100. Function.arguments
      101. Function.arity
      102. Function.call()
      103. Function.caller
      104. Function.prototype
      105. Function.toSource()
      106. Function.toString()
      107. Global
      108. Global.escape()
      109. Global.eval()
      110. Global.Infinity
      111. Global.isFinite()
      112. Global.isNaN()
      113. Global.NaN
      114. Global.parseFloat()
      115. Global.parseInt()
      116. Global.unescape()
      117. if
      118. if…else
      119. implements
      120. import
      121. in
      122. Infinity
      123. instanceof
      124. int
      125. interface
      126. isFinite()
      127. isNaN()
      128. label
      129. long
      130. Math()
      131. Math.abs()
      132. Math.acos()
      133. Math.asin()
      134. Math.atan()
      135. Math.atan2()
      136. Math.ceil()
      137. Math.cos()
      138. Math.E
      139. Math.exp()
      140. Math.floor()
      141. Math.LN10
      142. Math.LN2
      143. Math.log()
      144. Math.LOG10E
      145. Math.LOG2E
      146. Math.max()
      147. Math.min()
      148. Math.PI
      149. Math.pow()
      150. Math.random()
      151. Math.round()
      152. Math.sin()
      153. Math.sqrt()
      154. Math.SQRT1_2
      155. Math.SQRT2
      156. Math.tan()
      157. Math.toSource()
      158. Math.toString()
      159. NaN
      160. native
      161. new
      162. null
      163. Number()
      164. Number.MAX_VALUE
      165. Number.MIN_VALUE
      166. Number.NaN
      167. Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
      168. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
      169. Number.prototype
      170. Number.toSource()
      171. Number.toString()
      172. Number.valueOf()
      173. Object()
      174. Object.constructor
      175. Object.eval()
      176. Object.prototype
      177. Object.toSource()
      178. Object.toString()
      179. Object.unwatch()
      180. Object.valueOf()
      181. Object.watch()
      182. package
      183. Packages
      184. Packages.java
      185. Packages.netscape
      186. Packages.sun
      187. parseFloat()
      188. parseInt()
      189. private
      190. protected
      191. public
      192. RegExp()
      193. RegExp,$*
      194. RegExp.$&
      195. RegExp,$_
      196. RegExp.$`
      197. RegExp.$'
      198. RegExp.$+
      199. RegExp.$1,$2,..$9
      200. RegExp.compile()
      201. RegExp.exec()
      202. RegExp.global
      203. RegExp.ignoreCase
      204. RegExp.input
      205. RegExp.lastIndex
      206. RegExp.lastMatch
      207. RegExp.lastParen
      208. RegExp.leftContext
      209. RegExp.multiline
      210. RegExp.rightContext
      211. RegExp.source
      212. RegExp.test()
      213. return
      214. short
      215. static
      216. String()
      217. String.anchor()
      218. String.big()
      219. String.blink()
      220. String.bold()
      221. String.charAt()
      222. String.charCodeAt()
      223. String.concat()
      224. String.fixed()
      225. String.fontcolor()
      226. String.fontsize()
      227. String.fromCharCode()
      228. String.indexOf()
      229. String.italics()
      230. String.lastIndexOf()
      231. String.length
      232. String.link()
      233. String.match()
      234. String.prototype
      235. String.replace()
      236. String.search()
      237. String.slice()
      238. String.small()
      239. String.split()
      240. String.strike()
      241. String.sub()
      242. String.substr()
      243. String.substring()
      244. String.sup()
      245. String.toLowerCase()
      246. String.toSource()
      247. String.toString()
      248. String.toUpperCase()
      249. String.valueOf()
      250. super
      251. switch
      252. synchronized
      253. this
      254. throw
      255. throws
      256. transient
      257. true
      258. try…catch
      259. typeof
      260. undefined
      261. unescape()
      262. var
      263. void
      264. volatile
      265. while
      266. with
    2. Client-Side Browser Syntax
      1. Anchor
      2. Anchor.name
      3. Anchor.text
      4. Anchor.x
      5. Anchor.y
      6. Applet
      7. Area
      8. Area.handleEvent()
      9. Area.hash
      10. Area.host
      11. Area.hostname
      12. Area.href
      13. Area.onDblClick
      14. Area.onMouseOut
      15. Area.onMouseOver
      16. Area.pathname
      17. Area.port
      18. Area.protocol
      19. Area.search
      20. Area.target
      21. Button
      22. Button.blur()
      23. Button.click()
      24. Button.focus()
      25. Button.form
      26. Button.handleEvent()
      27. Button.name
      28. Button.onBlur
      29. Button.onClick
      30. Button.onFocus
      31. Button.onMouseDown
      32. Button.onMouseUp
      33. Button.type
      34. Button.value
      35. Checkbox
      36. Checkbox.blur()
      37. Checkbox.checked
      38. Checkbox.click()
      39. Checkbox.defaultChecked
      40. Checkbox.focus()
      41. Checkbox.form
      42. Checkbox.handleEvent()
      43. Checkbox.name
      44. Checkbox.onBlur
      45. Checkbox.onClick
      46. Checkbox.onFocus
      47. Checkbox.type
      48. Checkbox.value
      49. Document
      50. document.alinkColor
      51. document.all
      52. document.all.item()
      53. document.all.tags()
      54. document.anchors
      55. document.anchors.length
      56. document.applets
      57. document.applets.length
      58. document.bgColor
      59. document.captureEvents()
      60. document.classes
      61. document.classes.align
      62. document.classes.backgroundColor
      63. document.classes.backgroundImage
      64. document.classes.borderBottomWidth
      65. document.classes.borderColor
      66. document.classes.borderLeftWidth
      67. document.classes.borderRightWidth
      68. document.classes.borderStyle
      69. document.classes.borderTopWidth
      70. document.classes.borderWidths()
      71. document.classes.clear
      72. document.classes.color
      73. document.classes.display
      74. document.classes.fontFamily
      75. document.classes.fontSize
      76. document.classes.fontStyle
      77. document.classes.fontWeight
      78. document.classes.lineHeight
      79. document.classes.listStyleType
      80. document.classes.marginBottom
      81. document.classes.marginLeft
      82. document.classes.marginRight
      83. document.classes.margins()
      84. document.classes.marginTop
      85. document.classes.paddingBottom
      86. document.classes.paddingLeft
      87. document.classes.paddingRight
      88. document.classes.paddings()
      89. document.classes.paddingTop
      90. document.classes.textAlign
      91. document.classes.textDecoration
      92. document.classes.textIndent
      93. document.classes.textTransform
      94. document.classes.whiteSpace
      95. document.close()
      96. document.cookie
      97. document.domain
      98. document.embeds
      99. document.embeds.length
      100. document.fgColor
      101. document.forms
      102. document.forms.length
      103. document.getSelection()
      104. document.handleEvent()
      105. document.ids
      106. document.ids.align
      107. document.ids.backgroundColor
      108. document.ids.backgroundImage
      109. document.ids.borderBottomWidth
      110. document.ids.borderColor
      111. document.ids.borderLeftWidth
      112. document.ids.borderRightWidth
      113. document.ids.borderStyle
      114. document.ids.borderTopWidth
      115. document.ids.borderWidths()
      116. document.ids.clear
      117. document.ids.color
      118. document.ids.display
      119. document.ids.fontFamily
      120. document.ids.fontSize
      121. document.ids.fontStyle
      122. document.ids.fontWeight
      123. document.ids.lineHeight
      124. document.ids.listStyleType
      125. document.ids.marginBottom
      126. document.ids.marginLeft
      127. document.ids.marginRight
      128. document.ids.margins()
      129. document.ids.marginTop
      130. document.ids.paddingBottom
      131. document.ids.paddingLeft
      132. document.ids.paddingRight
      133. document.ids.paddings()
      134. document.ids.paddingTop
      135. document.ids.textAlign
      136. document.ids.textDecoration
      137. document.ids.textIndent
      138. document.ids.textTransform
      139. document.ids.whiteSpace
      140. document.images
      141. document.images.length
      142. document.lastModified
      143. document.layers
      144. document.layers.length
      145. document.linkColor
      146. document.links
      147. document.links.length
      148. document.onClick
      149. document.onDblClick
      150. document.onKeyDown
      151. document.onKeyPress
      152. document.onKeyUp
      153. document.onLoad
      154. document.onMouseDown
      155. document.onMouseUp
      156. document.onUnLoad
      157. document.open()
      158. document.plugins
      159. document.plugins.length
      160. document.referrer
      161. document.releaseEvents()
      162. document.routeEvent()
      163. document.tags
      164. document.tags.align
      165. document.tags.backgroundColor
      166. document.tags.backgroundImage
      167. document.tags.borderBottomWidth
      168. document.tags.borderColor
      169. document.tags.borderLeftWidth
      170. document.tags.borderRightWidth
      171. document.tags.borderStyle
      172. document.tags.borderTopWidth
      173. document.tags.borderWidths()
      174. document.tags.clear
      175. document.tags.color
      176. document.tags.display
      177. document.tags.fontFamily
      178. document.tags.fontSize
      179. document.tags.fontStyle
      180. document.tags.fontWeight
      181. document.tags.lineHeight
      182. document.tags.listStyleType
      183. document.tags.marginBottom
      184. document.tags.marginLeft
      185. document.tags.marginRight
      186. document.tags.margins()
      187. document.tags.marginTop
      188. document.tags.paddingBottom
      189. document.tags.paddingLeft
      190. document.tags.paddingRight
      191. document.tags.paddings()
      192. document.tags.paddingTop
      193. document.tags.textAlign
      194. document.tags.textDecoration
      195. document.tags.textIndent
      196. document.tags.textTransform
      197. document.tags.whiteSpace
      198. document.title
      199. document.URL
      200. document.vlinkColor
      201. document.write()
      202. document.writeln()
      203. Embed
      204. Event
      205. event.data
      206. event.height
      207. event.layerX
      208. event.layerY
      209. event.modifiers
      210. event.pageX
      211. event.pageY
      212. event.screenX
      213. event.screenY
      214. event.target
      215. event.type
      216. event.which
      217. event.width
      218. Event.ABORT
      219. Event.BLUR
      220. Event.CHANGE
      221. Event.CLICK
      222. Event.DBLCLICK
      223. Event.DRAGDROP
      224. Event.ERROR
      225. Event.FOCUS
      226. Event.KEYDOWN
      227. Event.KEYPRESS
      228. Event.KEYUP
      229. Event.LOAD
      230. Event.MOUSEDOWN
      231. Event.MOUSEMOVE
      232. Event.MOUSEOUT
      233. Event.MOUSEOVER
      234. Event.MOUSEUP
      235. Event.MOVE
      236. Event.RESET
      237. Event.RESIZE
      238. Event.SELECT
      239. Event.SUBMIT
      240. Event.UNLOAD
      241. FileUpload
      242. FileUpload.blur()
      243. FileUpload.focus()
      244. FileUpload.form
      245. FileUpload.handleEvent()
      246. FileUpload.name
      247. FileUpload.onBlur
      248. FileUpload.onChange
      249. FileUpload.onFocus
      250. FileUpload.select()
      251. FileUpload.type
      252. FileUpload.value
      253. Form
      254. Form.action
      255. Form.elements
      256. Form.elements.length
      257. Form.encoding
      258. Form.handleEvent()
      259. Form.length
      260. Form.method
      261. Form.name
      262. Form.onReset
      263. Form.onSubmit
      264. Form.reset()
      265. Form.submit()
      266. Form.target
      267. Frame
      268. Frame.blur()
      269. Frame.clearInterval()
      270. Frame.clearTimeout()
      271. Frame.document
      272. Frame.focus()
      273. Frame.frames
      274. Frame.length
      275. Frame.name
      276. Frame.onBlur
      277. Frame.onFocus
      278. Frame.onMove
      279. Frame.onResize
      280. Frame.parent
      281. Frame.print()
      282. Frame.self
      283. Frame.setInterval()
      284. Frame.setTimeout()
      285. Frame.top
      286. Frame.window
      287. Hidden
      288. Hidden.form
      289. Hidden.name
      290. Hidden.type
      291. Hidden.value
      292. History
      293. History.back()
      294. History.current
      295. History.forward()
      296. History.go()
      297. History.length
      298. History.next
      299. History.previous
      300. Image
      301. Image.border
      302. Image.complete
      303. Image.handleEvent()
      304. Image.height
      305. Image.hspace
      306. Image.lowsrc
      307. Image.name
      308. Image.onAbort
      309. Image.onError
      310. Image.onKeyDown
      311. Image.onKeyPress
      312. Image.onKeyUp
      313. Image.onLoad
      314. Image.src
      315. Image.vspace
      316. Image.width
      317. Layer
      318. Layer.above
      319. Layer.background
      320. Layer.below
      321. Layer.bgColor
      322. Layer.captureEvents()
      323. Layer.clip.bottom
      324. Layer.clip.height
      325. Layer.clip.left
      326. Layer.clip.right
      327. Layer.clip.top
      328. Layer.clip.width
      329. Layer.document
      330. Layer.handleEvent()
      331. Layer.left
      332. Layer.load()
      333. Layer.moveAbove()
      334. Layer.moveBelow()
      335. Layer.moveBy()
      336. Layer.moveTo()
      337. Layer.moveToAbsolute()
      338. Layer.name
      339. Layer.onBlur
      340. Layer.onFocus
      341. Layer.onLoad
      342. Layer.onMouseOut
      343. Layer.onMouseOver
      344. Layer.pageX
      345. Layer.pageY
      346. Layer.parentLayer
      347. Layer.releaseEvents()
      348. Layer.resizeBy()
      349. Layer.resizeTo()
      350. Layer.routeEvent()
      351. Layer.siblingAbove
      352. Layer.siblingBelow
      353. Layer.src
      354. Layer.top
      355. Layer.visibility
      356. Layer.zIndex
      357. Link
      358. Link.handleEvent()
      359. Link.hash
      360. Link.host
      361. Link.hostname
      362. Link.href
      363. Link.onClick
      364. Link.onDblClick
      365. Link.onKeyDown
      366. Link.onKeyPress
      367. Link.onKeyUp
      368. Link.onMouseDown
      369. Link.onMouseOut
      370. Link.onMouseOver
      371. Link.onMouseUp
      372. Link.pathname
      373. Link.port
      374. Link.protocol
      375. Link.search
      376. Link.target
      377. Link.text
      378. Location
      379. Location.hash
      380. Location.host
      381. Location.hostname
      382. Location.href
      383. Location.pathname
      384. Location.port
      385. Location.protocol
      386. Location.reload()
      387. Location.replace()
      388. Location.search
      389. MimeType
      390. MimeType.description
      391. MimeType.enabledPlugin
      392. MimeType.suffixes
      393. MimeType.type
      394. navigator
      395. navigator.appCodeName
      396. navigator.appName
      397. navigator.appVersion
      398. navigator.javaEnabled()
      399. navigator.language
      400. navigator.mimeTypes
      401. navigator.platform
      402. navigator.plugins
      403. navigator.plugins.refresh()
      404. navigator.preference()
      405. navigator.taintEnabled()
      406. navigator.userAgent
      407. Option
      408. Option.defaultSelected
      409. Option.selected
      410. Option.text
      411. Option.value
      412. Password
      413. Password.blur()
      414. Password.defaultValue
      415. Password.focus()
      416. Password.form
      417. Password.handleEvent()
      418. Password.name
      419. Password.onBlur
      420. Password.onFocus
      421. Password.select()
      422. Password.type
      423. Password.value
      424. Plugin
      425. Plugin.description
      426. Plugin.filename
      427. Plugin.length
      428. Plugin.name
      429. Radio
      430. Radio.blur()
      431. Radio.checked
      432. Radio.click()
      433. Radio.defaultChecked
      434. Radio.focus()
      435. Radio.form
      436. Radio.handleEvent()
      437. Radio.name
      438. Radio.onBlur
      439. Radio.onClick
      440. Radio.onFocus()
      441. Radio.type
      442. Radio.value
      443. Reset
      444. Reset.blur()
      445. Reset.click()
      446. Reset.focus()
      447. Reset.form
      448. Reset.handleEvent()
      449. Reset.name
      450. Reset.onBlur
      451. Reset.onClick
      452. Reset.onFocus
      453. Reset.type
      454. Reset.value
      455. screen
      456. screen.availHeight
      457. screen.availWidth
      458. screen.colorDepth
      459. screen.height
      460. screen.pixelDepth
      461. screen.width
      462. Select
      463. Select.blur()
      464. Select.focus()
      465. Select.form
      466. Select.handleEvent()
      467. Select.length
      468. Select.name
      469. Select.onBlur
      470. Select.onChange
      471. Select.onFocus
      472. Select.options
      473. Select.options.length
      474. Select.options.selectedIndex
      475. Select.options.value
      476. Select.selectedIndex
      477. Select.type
      478. Submit
      479. Submit.blur()
      480. Submit.click()
      481. Submit.focus()
      482. Submit.form
      483. Submit.handleEvent()
      484. Submit.name
      485. Submit.onBlur
      486. Submit.onClick
      487. Submit.onFocus
      488. Submit.type
      489. Submit.value
      490. taint()
      491. Text
      492. Text.blur()
      493. Text.defaultValue
      494. Text.focus()
      495. Text.form
      496. Text.handleEvent()
      497. Text.name
      498. Text.onBlur
      499. Text.onChange
      500. Text.onFocus
      501. Text.onSelect
      502. Text.select()
      503. Text.type
      504. Text.value
      505. Textarea
      506. Textarea.blur()
      507. Textarea.defaultValue
      508. Textarea.focus()
      509. Textarea.form
      510. Textarea.handleEvent()
      511. Textarea.name
      512. Textarea.onBlur
      513. Textarea.onChange
      514. Textarea.onFocus
      515. Textarea.onKeyDown
      516. Textarea.onKeyPress
      517. Textarea.onKeyUp
      518. Textarea.onSelect
      519. Textarea.select()
      520. Textarea.type
      521. Textarea.value
      522. untaint()
      523. Window
      524. window.alert()
      525. window.back()
      526. window.blur()
      527. window.captureEvents()
      528. window.clearInterval()
      529. window.clearTimeout()
      530. window.close()
      531. window.closed
      532. window.confirm()
      533. window.defaultStatus
      534. window.disableExternalCapture()
      535. window.document
      536. window.enableExternalCapture()
      537. window.find()
      538. window.focus()
      539. window.forward()
      540. window.frames
      541. window.frames.length
      542. window.handleEvent()
      543. window.history
      544. window.home()
      545. window.innerHeight
      546. window.innerWidth
      547. window.length
      548. window.location
      549. window.locationbar
      550. window.locationbar.visible
      551. window.menubar
      552. window.menubar.visible
      553. window.moveBy()
      554. window.moveTo()
      555. window.name
      556. window.onBlur
      557. window.onDragDrop
      558. window.onError
      559. window.onFocus
      560. window.onLoad
      561. window.onMove
      562. window.onResize
      563. window.onUnLoad
      564. window.open()
      565. window.opener
      566. window.outerHeight
      567. window.outerWidth
      568. window.pageXOffset
      569. window.pageYOffset
      570. window.parent
      571. window.personalbar
      572. window.personalbar.visible
      573. window.print()
      574. window.prompt()
      575. window.releaseEvents()
      576. window.resizeBy()
      577. window.resizeTo()
      578. window.routeEvent()
      579. window.scroll()
      580. window.scrollbars
      581. window.scrollbars.visible
      582. window.scrollBy()
      583. window.scrollTo()
      584. window.self
      585. window.setInterval()
      586. window.setTimeout()
      587. window.status
      588. window.statusbar
      589. window.statusbar.visible
      590. window.stop()
      591. window.toolbar
      592. window.toolbar.visible
      593. window.top
    3. Netscape's Server-Side Additions
      1. addClient()
      2. addResponseHeader
      3. blob
      4. blob.blobImage()
      5. blob.blobLink()
      6. callC
      7. client
      8. client.destroy()
      9. client.expiration()
      10. Connection
      11. Connection.beginTransaction()
      12. Connection.commitTransaction()
      13. Connection.connected()
      14. Connection.cursor()
      15. Connection.execute()
      16. Connection.majorErrorCode()
      17. Connection.majorErrorMessage()
      18. Connection.minorErrorCode()
      19. Connection.minorErrorMessage()
      20. Connection.prototype
      21. Connection.release()
      22. Connection.rollbackTransaction()
      23. Connection.SQLTable()
      24. Connection.storedProc()
      25. Connection.toString()
      26. Cursor
      27. Cursor.close()
      28. Cursor.columnName
      29. Cursor.columnName()
      30. Cursor.columns()
      31. Cursor.deleteRow()
      32. Cursor.insertRow()
      33. Cursor.next()
      34. Cursor.prototype
      35. Cursor.updateRow()
      36. database
      37. database.beginTransaction()
      38. database.commitTransaction()
      39. database.connect()
      40. database.connected()
      41. database.cursor()
      42. database.disconnect()
      43. database.execute()
      44. database.majorErrorCode()
      45. database.majorErrorMessage()
      46. database.minorErrorCode()
      47. database.minorErrorMessage()
      48. database.prototype
      49. database.rollbackTransaction()
      50. database.SQLTable()
      51. database.storedProc()
      52. database.storedProcArgs()
      53. database.toString()
      54. DbPool()
      55. DbPool.connect()
      56. DbPool.connected()
      57. DbPool.connection()
      58. DbPool.DbPool()
      59. DbPool.disconnect()
      60. DbPool.majorErrorCode()
      61. DbPool.majorErrorMessage()
      62. DbPool.minorErrorCode()
      63. DbPool.minorErrorMessage()
      64. DbPool.prototype
      65. DbPool.storedProcArgs()
      66. DbPool.toString()
      67. debug()
      68. deleteResponseHeader()
      69. File()
      70. File.byteToString()
      71. File.clearError()
      72. File.close()
      73. File.eof()
      74. File.error()
      75. File.exists()
      76. File.flush()
      77. File.getLength()
      78. File.getPosition()
      79. File.open()
      80. File.prototype
      81. File.read()
      82. File.readByte()
      83. File.readln()
      84. File.setPosition()
      85. File.stringToByte()
      86. File.write()
      87. File.writeByte()
      88. File.writeln()
      89. flush()
      90. getOptionValue()
      91. getOptionValueCount()
      92. Lock()
      93. Lock.isValid()
      94. Lock.lock()
      95. Lock.prototype
      96. Lock.unlock()
      97. project
      98. project.lock()
      99. project.unlock()
      100. redirect()
      101. registerCFunction
      102. request
      103. request.agent
      104. request.formKey
      105. request.imageX
      106. request.imageY
      107. request.ip
      108. request.method
      109. request.protocol
      110. Resultset
      111. Resultset.close()
      112. Resultset.columnName()
      113. Resultset.columns()
      114. Resultset.next()
      115. Resultset.prototype
      116. SendMail()
      117. SendMail.Bcc
      118. SendMail.Body
      119. SendMail.Cc
      120. SendMail.errorCode()
      121. SendMail.errorMessage()
      122. SendMail.Errorsto
      123. SendMail.From
      124. SendMail.Organization
      125. SendMail.prototype
      126. SendMail.Replyto
      127. SendMail.send()
      128. SendMail.Smtpserver
      129. SendMail.Subject
      130. SendMail.To
      131. server
      132. server.host
      133. server.hostname
      134. server.lock()
      135. server.port
      136. server.protocol
      137. server.unlock()
      138. ssjs_generateClientID()
      139. ssjs_getCGIVariable()
      140. ssjs_getClientID()
      141. Stproc
      142. Stproc.close()
      143. Stproc.outParamCount()
      144. Stproc.outParameters()
      145. Stproc.prototype
      146. Stproc.resultSet()
      147. Stproc.returnValue()
      148. write()
    4. Microsoft's Scripting Engine Extensions
      1. @_alpha
      2. @_jscript
      3. @_jscript_build
      4. @_jscript_version
      5. @_mac
      6. @_mc680x0
      7. @_PowerPC
      8. @_win16
      9. @_win32
      10. @_x86
      11. @cc_on
      12. @if
      13. @set
      14. ActiveXObject
      15. Automation
      16. Dictionary
      17. Dictionary.Add()
      18. Dictionary.Count
      19. Dictionary.Exists()
      20. Dictionary.Item()
      21. Dictionary.Items()
      22. Dictionary.Key()
      23. Dictionary.Keys()
      24. Dictionary.Remove()
      25. Dictionary.RemoveAll()
      26. Drive
      27. Drive.AvaliableSpace
      28. Drive.DriveLetter
      29. Drive.DriveType
      30. Drive.FileSystem
      31. Drive.FreeSpace
      32. Drive.IsReady
      33. Drive.Path
      34. Drive.RootFolder
      35. Drive.SerialNumber
      36. Drive.ShareName
      37. Drive.TotalSize
      38. Drive.VolumeName
      39. Drives
      40. Drives.Count
      41. Drives.Item()
      42. Enumerator
      43. Enumerator.atEnd()
      44. Enumerator.item()
      45. Enumerator.moveFirst()
      46. Enumerator.moveNext()
      47. Error
      48. Error.description
      49. Error.number
      50. File
      51. File.Attributes
      52. File.Copy()
      53. File.DateCreated
      54. File.DateLastAccessed
      55. File.DateLastModified
      56. File.Delete()
      57. File.Drive
      58. File.Move()
      59. File.Name
      60. File.OpenAsTextStream()
      61. File.ParentFolder
      62. File.Path
      63. File.ShortName
      64. File.ShortPath
      65. File.Size
      66. File.Type
      67. Files
      68. Files.Count
      69. Files.Item
      70. FileSystemObject
      71. FileSystemObject.BuildPath()
      72. FileSystemObject.CopyFile()
      73. FileSystemObject.CopyFolder()
      74. FileSystemObject.CreateFolder()
      75. FileSystemObject.CreateTextFile()
      76. FileSystemObject.DeleteFile()
      77. FileSystemObject.DeleteFolder()
      78. FileSystemObject.DriveExists()
      79. FileSystemObject.Drives
      80. FileSystemObject.FileExists()
      81. FileSystemObject.FolderExists()
      82. FileSystemObject.GetAbsolutePathName()
      83. FileSystemObject.GetBaseName()
      84. FileSystemObject.GetDrive()
      85. FileSystemObject.GetDriveName()
      86. FileSystemObject.GetExtensionName()
      87. FileSystemObject.GetFile()
      88. FileSystemObject.GetFileName()
      89. FileSystemObject.GetFolder()
      90. FileSystemObject.GetParentFolderName()
      91. FileSystemObject.GetSpecialFolder()
      92. FileSystemObject.GetTempName()
      93. FileSystemObject.MoveFile()
      94. FileSystemObject.MoveFolder()
      95. FileSystemObject.OpentextFile()
      96. Folder
      97. Folder.Attributes
      98. Folder.Copy()
      99. Folder.DateCreated
      100. Folder.DateLastAccessed
      101. Folder.DateLastModified
      102. Folder.Delete()
      103. Folder.Drive
      104. Folder.Files
      105. Folder.IsRootFolder
      106. Folder.Move()
      107. Folder.Name
      108. Folder.ParentFolder
      109. Folder.Path
      110. Folder.ShortName
      111. Folder.ShortPath
      112. Folder.Size
      113. Folder.SubFolders
      114. Folder.Type
      115. Folders
      116. Folders.Add()
      117. Folders.Count
      118. Folders.Item
      119. GetObject
      120. ScriptEngine
      121. ScriptEngineBuildVersion
      122. ScriptEngineMajorVersion
      123. ScriptEngineMinorVersion
      124. TextStream
      125. TextStream.AtEndOfLine
      126. TextStream.AtEndOfStream
      127. TextStream.Close()
      128. TextStream.Column
      129. TextStream.Line
      130. TextStream.Read()
      131. TextStream.ReadAll()
      132. TextStream.ReadLine()
      133. TextStream.Skip()
      134. TextStream.SkipLine()
      135. TextStream.Write()
      136. TextStream.WriteBlankLines()
      137. TextStream.WriteLine()
      138. VBArray
      139. VBArray.dimensions()
      140. VBArray.getItem()
      141. VBArray.lbound()
      142. VBArray.toArray()
      143. VBArray.ubound()
  9. Appendixes
    1. Navigator-Supported Syntax
      1. Netscape Navigator-Supported Syntax
    2. Internet Explorer-Supported Syntax
      1. Internet Explorer-Supported Syntax
    3. Opera-Supported Syntax
      1. Opera-Supported Syntax
    4. ECMAScript Standard Syntax
      1. ECMAScript Standard Syntax
    5. Server-Side JavaScript Syntax Support
      1. Server-Side JavaScript-Supported Syntax
    6. JavaScript Resources
      1. General Information
      2. Reference
      3. Newsgroups
  10. Index

Product information

  • Title: Pure JavaScript
  • Author(s): Allen R. Wyke, Jason Gilliam, Charlton Ting
  • Release date: August 1999
  • Publisher(s): Sams
  • ISBN: 9780672315473