
2.5 technique 100, 103


Adobe Audition 78; adding music 2001; Delete 85; with FireWire Solo 78; Markers Display 83; Mastering panel 913; Multitrack 78, 949; Noise Reduction 889; Normalize 8990; Presets 93; Zoom navigator 84

Adobe Extension Manager 144

Adobe Flash 33, 39; with Animate Pro 407; animatics 168; Auto-Save 41; compression formats 152; Constrain 186; crossfading 1767; Distribute to Layers 112, 125; document setup 12937; extensions 73; Free Transform tool 197; importing series of images 1689; importing sound files 96; Looping 144; Movie Settings 153, 154; Pasteboard 170; with Premiere Pro 206; Quicktime Exporter 1525, 160, 178; Rectangle tool 190; Scale and Rotate 172; Stream 134, see also EaseCaddy; FrameSync; SmartMouth ...

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