Python A-Z: Learn Python by Building 15 Projects and ChatGPT

Video description

This comprehensive Python course covers all fundamental concepts and advanced Python concepts, and you learn a wide range of practical skills by building real-world projects.

You will start by learning about the basics of Python programming, Python operators, Python conditionals and if statement, methods, OOP concepts, Python data structures, mutability, built-in and user-defined modules, errors and exception handling, custom exception, and more.

You will explore advanced concepts such as recursion, list comprehension, Walrus operator, union operator, type hinting and native time support, structural pattern matching, and speed improvement to name a few.

You will also cover a wide range of projects such as, face detection with OpenCV, data analysis with Pandas, accessing data through CoinMarketCap API, building desktop applications with Tkinter, integrating SQLite3 database, automated web scraper and mailing with BeautifulSoup, automated social media image generation using Pillow library and OpenWeatherMap API, podcast script writer with OpenAI, conversational chatbot with OpenAI, image generator with DALL-E, video summarizer with ChatGPT, development of a portfolio web application using the Flask framework, and many more.

By the end of this course, you will be ready to use the huge scope offered by Python programming.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn the basics of programming—variables, data types, and operators
  • Learn to write clean Python code keeping a project building approach in mind
  • Learn about the four pillars of object-oriented programming
  • Integrate ChatGPT into your regular learning to understand things two times faster
  • Explore new features included in Python latest versions including Python 3.12
  • Explore various OpenAI API for custom projects


This comprehensive course is tailored for individuals who are new to programming and wish to embark on their coding journey. Whether you have never programmed before or are a seasoned programmer transitioning to Python, this course is perfect for you. No prior coding experience is necessary as we will guide you through each concept step-by-step, starting from the basics. All you need is a Windows or Mac operating system and an internet connection to dive into the world of Python programming.

About The Author

Shubham Sarda: Shubham is a software developer and digital marketer with a passion for teaching. He has worked with many funded start-ups, self-projects, and as a top-rated freelancer on multiple marketplaces. Currently, he stands among the top 700 freelancers with over 2,500+ projects on Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, Freelancer, and more.

As an instructor, he has taught programming and digital marketing to over 20,000 students, both with online courses and offline bootcamps. He has mastered explaining complex topics in the simplest form that is easy to understand and follow. His video courses are also used by companies to train their employees and by colleges to prepare and upgrade their students according to the latest industry requirements.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Course Introduction
    1. Course Introduction
    2. Resources
    3. Python Programming - Is Python a Bubble?
  2. Chapter 2 : AI Assistance: ChatGPT and Bard
    1. ChatGPT and Bard
  3. Chapter 3 : Python Setup and Installation
    1. Python 3.x Installation
    2. Different Methods to Execute Python Codes
  4. Chapter 4 : Writing Our First Python Program
    1. Variables and Python Memory Management
  5. Chapter 5 : Datatypes in Python
    1. Datatypes in Python
    2. Sequences in Python
    3. Sets, Dictionary
    4. Literals and Identifiers
    5. Reserve Words - You Can't Use Them!
  6. Chapter 6 : Operators in Python
    1. Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment
    2. Operators: Unary Minus, Relational, Logical, Boolean
    3. Understanding Escape Characters
  7. Chapter 7 : Input and Output
    1. Introduction to Input and Output Statements
    2. Output Statements
    3. Input Statements
    4. Python Built-In Functions and Built-In Module
  8. Chapter 8 : IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
    1. Working with Code Editor
  9. Chapter 9 : Python Control Statements
    1. Conditionals: If, If…Else, and Indentation
    2. Conditionals: If…Else Statements with Operators
    3. Conditionals: if…elif…else Statements + Nested if Statements
  10. Chapter 10 : Loops in Python
    1. While Loop
    2. For Loops - Part 1
    3. For Loops - Part 2
    4. Break and Continue Statements
  11. Chapter 11 : Strings and Characters
    1. Comments and Doc Strings
    2. Diving Deep with "Strings"
  12. Chapter 12 : Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
    1. Diving Deep - Lists
    2. Diving Deep - Tuples
    3. Diving Deep - Dictionaries
    4. Indexing, Slicing, Negative Indexing
  13. Chapter 13 : Functions
    1. What are Functions?
    2. Parameters, Arguments, Return
    3. Formal and Actual Arguments (arg, *arg, **karg)
    4. Local and Global Variables
  14. Chapter 14 : Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    2. Classes and Objects in Python (OOP)
    3. Understanding init() Method and ‘self’ Parameter
    4. Solving Task: OOP
    5. Defining Multiple Constructors in Python
    6. Encapsulation
    7. Public and Private Methods
    8. Inheritance
    9. Getter and Setter
    10. Creating and Importing Module
    11. Creating User-Defined Module
    12. Multiple Inheritance
    13. Understanding super() Function [Part 1]
    14. Understanding super() Function [Part 2]
    15. Python Naming Convention (Classes, Variables, Functions, Methods...)
    16. Composition
    17. Aggregation
    18. Abstract Classes
    19. Discussing Over Import and From
    20. Operator Overloading [Part 1]
    21. Operator Overloading [Part 2]
  15. Chapter 15 : Errors and Exceptions Handling
    1. Errors - Types of Errors!
    2. Exceptions
    3. Exceptions Handling Introduction
    4. Exceptions Handling
    5. Try, Except, Else, and Finally
    6. Raising Exception
    7. Creating User-Defined Exception
  16. Chapter 16 : __name__ == "__main__"
    1. if __name__ == "__main__"
  17. Chapter 17 : Python I/O - File Handling
    1. Creating Text File and Write Content
    2. Appending Files - 1 | Solving Example - File Handling
    3. Appending Files - 2 | Solving Example - File Handling
    4. How to Read Content from File
  18. Chapter 18 : Python Package Management System
    1. pip - PyPI for Managing Python Packages
  19. Chapter 19 : Project 1 - Face Detection
    1. What Is OpenCV?
    2. OpenCV Face Detection with Python
    3. Detecting –Elon Musk' and –Mark Zuckerberg' Faces
    4. Detecting Faces of All Images in the Folder
  20. Chapter 20 : Project 2 - Password Generator
    1. Random Module
    2. Random Password Generator
    3. Readable Password Generator
  21. Chapter 21 : Project 3 - Data Analysis with Pandas
    1. What Is Pandas?
    2. Starting with Pandas And iPython
    3. Working with Jupyter Notebooks
    4. Important Jupyter Notebook Commands
    5. Working with CSV, Excel, TXT, and JSON Files
    6. Working with API Response
    7. Indexing and Slicing DataFrame Tables [Part 1]
    8. Indexing and Slicing DataFrame Tables [Part 2]
    9. Deleting Columns and Rows
    10. Adding and Updating New Columns and Rows
  22. Chapter 22 : Project 4 - Get Data with CoinMarketCap API
    1. What Is API and Request Methods?
    2. Working with CoinMarketCap API
    3. API Format
    4. Fetching API Data
    5. Extracting API and Coin Data
    6. Creating Coin List and Understanding Portfolio
    7. Creating Portfolio Dictionary
    8. Calculating Profit and Loss
  23. Chapter 23 : Project 5.1 - Building GUI Portfolio App with Tkinter
    1. GUI Introduction - Graphical User Interface
    2. Understanding Three Steps: Tkinter Working
    3. Tkinter Main Window and Labels
    4. Application Formatting - Adding Header
    5. Application Formatting - Adding More Data
    6. Application Formatting - Improving User Interface
    7. Color Indication for Profit and Loss
    8. Adding Update Button
    9. Creating Executable App (.exe File)
  24. Chapter 24 : Project 5.2 - Understanding Database Basics (SQLite3)
    1. Databases - SQL Versus SQLite3
    2. Introduction to SQLite3 and Its Workings
    3. Creating Table | Working with DB Browser
    4. Insert Values - Databases
    5. Update Values - Databases
    6. Fetching Data from Database
    7. Delete Data - Database
    8. Creating Functions for Operations - Database
  25. Chapter 25 : Project 5.3 - Tkinter GUI Application with SQLite3 Database
    1. Connecting with Database
    2. Fetching Data from Database
    3. Modifying Current Application
    4. Adding "Add Coin" Button
    5. Adding "Update Coin" - "Delete Coin" Button
    6. Solving Multiple Layer Issue
    7. Adding Notification System - Popup Box
    8. Adding Navigation System - Menu Bar
  26. Chapter 26 : Project 6 - Building Web Scraping Bot with Python
    1. Project Introduction - Web Scraping Bot
    2. Project Demo - Web Scraping Bot
    3. How Do We Scrape Data?
    4. Web Scraping - Overview
    5. Project Setup + Installing Libraries
    6. Working with BeautifulSoup
    7. Filtering Required Data
    8. Extracting Current Price
    9. Extracting Table Content - I
    10. Extracting Table Content - II
    11. Extracting All Stock Result
    12. Working with Static File
    13. Storing Stock Content in CSV File
    14. Sending Text Mail Through SMTPLIB
    15. Sending Text Mail Through Email Module
    16. Sending Attachment Through Email Module
    17. Integrating Mail System with Web Scraper
    18. File Name According to Today's Date
  27. Chapter 27 : Project 7 - Automate Weather Forecast
    1. Project Introduction: Automate Weather Forecast
    2. OpenWeatherMap API
    3. Working with API Data
    4. Working with Pillow Library
    5. Adding Content: Date and Time
    6. Adding Content: Multiple City Position
    7. Adding Content: Multiple City Data
    8. Adding Content: Multiple Country Data
    9. Saving Post as PNG and PDF
    10. Exercise: Automate for Stories
  28. Chapter 28 : Project [8, 9]: Assignments
    1. Project 8 - Python Image Optimization and Transformations
    2. Project 9 - Web Scraping Encyclopedia Article
  29. Chapter 29 : Project 10 - Building Twitter Bot with Python and Tweepy
    1. Twitter API Update
    2. Project Introduction: Twitter Bot
    3. Creating Twitter Developer Account
    4. Creating App and Generation Access Tokens
    5. Installing Tweepy
    6. Update Status Through Bot
    7. Introduction to Auto-Reply
    8. Working with Timeline and Mentions
    9. Iterate Tweets and Add Condition
    10. Storing Replied Tweet IDs
    11. Storing-Accessing Last Seen ID
    12. Replying Tweet
    13. Formatting Function and Testing Bot
    14. Auto Retweet and Auto Like
    15. Setting Up PythonAnyWhere
    16. Deployment Done Along Testing
    17. Auto Retweet to Particular Hashtag
    18. Implementing Error Handling and Testing Bot
  30. Chapter 30 : Advanced: Recursion
    1. What Is Recursion?
    2. Control of a Function
    3. Tracing Tree
    4. Call Stack
    5. Tree Recursion
    6. Example: Factorial of a Number
  31. Chapter 31 : Advanced: Map, Filter, and Reduce
    1. Lambda Functions
    2. Map
    3. Filter
    4. Reduce
  32. Chapter 32 : Advanced: Comprehension
    1. List Comprehension
  33. Chapter 33 : Advanced: Regular Expressions
    1. Why We Use Regular Expressions
    2. Different Methods with RegEx
    3. Writing Patterns
    4. Creating Pattern for Email Validation
  34. Chapter 34 : Advanced: Decorators
    1. Decorators
  35. Chapter 35 : Advanced: Logging
    1. Logging
  36. Chapter 36 : Advanced: Date and Time
    1. Date and Time
  37. Chapter 37 : Advanced: New Python Features
    1. Python 3.8: Walrus Operator, Positional-Only Argument, and f-String
    2. Python 3.9: Union Operators
    3. Python 3.9: Type Hinting
    4. Python 3.9: New String Class Methods
    5. Python 3.9: Native Time Support (Zoneinfo)
    6. Python 3.10: Match Case, Better Errors, and More
    7. Python 3.11: Exception Notes and Speed
    8. Python 3.12: Improved Error Messages
  38. Chapter 38 : Project 11: Podcast Script Writer with OpenAI
    1. Project Introduction: Podcast Script Writer with OpenAI
    2. Introduction to OpenAI
    3. OpenAI Playground and Common Terms
    4. AI Writing Podcast Script
  39. Chapter 39 : Project 12: Conversational AI Chatbot
    1. Project Demo: Conversational AI Chatbot
    2. How Prompt Work for Conversations?
    3. Updating Prompt, Max Tokens, and Chat History
    4. Storing Chat History to TXT File
    5. Hiding API Key with ENV File
    6. Specific Role to AI
    7. Chat History Format with Timestamps
  40. Chapter 40 : Project 13: Text to Image Using DALL-E
    1. Generating Images Using OpenAI DALL-E
  41. Chapter 41 : Project 14: Building Video Summarizer with ChatGPT
    1. Project Introduction: Building Video Summarizer with ChatGPT
    2. Asking ChatGPT to Write Code
    3. ChatGPT Code Explanation
  42. Chapter 42 : Project 15: Web Application Using Flask
    1. Project Introduction: Web Application Using Flask
    2. Flask Introduction and Installation
    3. Initiating Flask App
    4. Routes, Folder Structure, and Blueprint
    5. Template Rendering
    6. URL Parameters
    7. Query Parameters
    8. Conditional Rendering Inside Template: If Statement
    9. Returning JSON Response
    10. Error Handling: 404 Not Found
    11. Redirection
    12. Rendering Static Files
    13. Control Flow Inside Template: For Loop
    14. HTML Page Structure
    15. Base Template
    16. Improving Design with CSS
  43. Chapter 43 : Bonus - What's Next?
    1. Bonus - What's Next?

Product information

  • Title: Python A-Z: Learn Python by Building 15 Projects and ChatGPT
  • Author(s): Shubham Sarda
  • Release date: July 2023
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781839212956