Credit: Jimmy Retzlaff
You need to loosen the coupling between two subsystems, since each is often changed independently. Typically, the two subsystems are the GUI and business-logic subsystems of an application.
Tightly coupling application-logic and presentation subsystems is a
bad idea. Publish/subscribe is a good pattern to use for loosening
the degree of coupling between such subsystems. The following
) essentially implements a
multiplexed function call in which the caller does not need to know
the interface of the called functions:
# _ _all_ _ = ['Register', 'Broadcast', 'CurrentSource', 'CurrentTitle', 'CurrentData'] listeners = {} currentSources = [] currentTitles = [] currentData = [] def Register(listener, arguments=( ), source=None, title=None): if not listeners.has_key((source, title)): listeners[(source, title)] = [] listeners[(source, title)].append((listener, arguments)) def Broadcast(source, title, data={}): currentSources.append(source) currentTitles.append(title) currentData.append(data) listenerList = listeners.get((source, title), [])[:] if source != None: listenerList += listeners.get((None, title), []) if title != None: listenerList += listeners.get((source, None), []) for listener, arguments in listenerList: apply(listener, arguments) currentSources.pop( ) currentTitles.pop( ) currentData.pop( ) def CurrentSource( ): return currentSources[-1] def CurrentTitle( ): return currentTitles[-1] def CurrentData( ): return currentData[-1]
The broker
module (
enables the retrieval of named data even when the source of the data
is not known:
# _ _all_ _ = ['Register', 'Request', 'CurrentTitle', 'CurrentData'] providers = {} currentTitles = [] currentData = [] def Register(title, provider, arguments=( )): assert not providers.has_key(title) providers[title] = (provider, arguments) def Request(title, data={}): currentTitles.append(title) currentData.append(data) result = apply(apply, providers.get(title)) currentTitles.pop( ) currentData.pop( ) return result def CurrentTitle( ): return currentTitles[-1] def CurrentData( ): return currentData[-1]
In a running application, the broadcaster
modules enable loose coupling between
objects in a publish/subscribe fashion. This recipe is particularly
useful in GUI applications, where it helps to shield application
logic from user-interface changes, although the field of application
is more general.
Essentially, broadcasting is equivalent to a
multiplexed function call in which the
caller does not need to know the interface of the called functions.
can optionally supply data for the
subscribers to consume. For example, if an application is about to
exit, it can broadcast a message to that effect, and any interested
objects can perform whatever finalization tasks they need to do.
Another example is a user-interface control that can broadcast a
message whenever its state changes so that other objects (both within
the GUI, for immediate feedback, and outside of the GUI, typically in
a business-logic subsystem of the application) can respond
enables the retrieval of named data even
when the source of the data is not known. For example, a
user-interface control (such as an edit box) can register itself as a
data provider with broker
, and any code in the
application can retrieve the control’s value with no
knowledge of how or where the value is stored.
avoids two potential pitfalls:
Storing data in multiple locations, thereby requiring extra logic to keep those locations in sync
Proliferating the dependency upon the control’s API
and broadcaster
together nicely. For example, consider an edit box used for entering
a date. Whenever its value changes, it can broadcast a message
indicating that the entered date has changed. Anything depending on
that date can respond to that message by asking
for the current value. Later, the edit box
can be replaced by a calendar control. As long as the new control
broadcasts the same messages and provides the same data through
, no other code should need to be changed.
Such are the advantages of loose coupling.
The following
script shows an example
of using broadcaster
# from _ _future_ _ import nested_scopes import broadcaster import broker class UserSettings: def _ _init_ _(self): self.preferredLanguage = 'English' # The use of lambda here provides a simple wrapper around # the value being provided. Every time the value is requested, # the variable will be reevaluated by the lambda function. # Note the dependence on nested scopes, thus Python 2.1 or later is required. broker.Register('Preferred Language', lambda: self.preferredLanguage) self.preferredSkin = 'Cool Blue Skin' broker.Register('Preferred Skin', lambda: self.preferredSkin) def ChangePreferredSkinTo(self, preferredSkin): self.preferredSkin = preferredSkin broadcaster.Broadcast('Preferred Skin', 'Changed') def ChangePreferredLanguageTo(self, preferredLanguage): self.preferredLanguage = preferredLanguage broadcaster.Broadcast('Preferred Language', 'Changed') def ChangeSkin( ): print 'Changing to', broker.Request('Preferred Skin') def ChangeLanguage( ): print 'Changing to', broker.Request('Preferred Language') broadcaster.Register(ChangeSkin, source='Preferred Skin', title='Changed') broadcaster.Register(ChangeLanguage, source='Preferred Language', title='Changed') userSettings = UserSettings( ) userSettings.ChangePreferredSkinTo('Bright Green Skin') userSettings.ChangePreferredSkinTo('French')
Note that the idiom in this recipe is thread-hostile: even if access
to the module-level variables was properly controlled, this style of
programming is tailor-made for deadlocks and race conditions.
Consider the impact carefully before using this approach from
multiple threads. In a multithreaded setting, it is probably
preferable to use Queue
instances to store
messages for other threads to consume and architect a different kind
of broadcast (multiplexing) by having broker
to appropriate registered Queue
Recipe 9.7 for one approach to multithreading in a GUI setting; Recipe 13.8 to see publish/subscribe used in a distributed processing setting.
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