Chapter 6. Computation on NumPy Arrays: Universal Functions
Up until now, we have been discussing some of the basic nuts and bolts of NumPy. In the next few chapters, we will dive into the reasons that NumPy is so important in the Python data science world: namely, because it provides an easy and flexible interface to optimize computation with arrays of data.
Computation on NumPy arrays can be very fast, or it can be very slow. The key to making it fast is to use vectorized operations, generally implemented through NumPy’s universal functions (ufuncs). This chapter motivates the need for NumPy’s ufuncs, which can be used to make repeated calculations on array elements much more efficient. It then introduces many of the most common and useful arithmetic ufuncs available in the NumPy package.
The Slowness of Loops
Python’s default implementation (known as CPython) does some operations very slowly. This is partly due to the dynamic, interpreted nature of the language; types are flexible, so sequences of operations cannot be compiled down to efficient machine code as in languages like C and Fortran. Recently there have been various attempts to address this weakness: well-known examples are the PyPy project, a just-in-time compiled implementation of Python; the Cython project, which converts Python code to compilable C code; and the Numba project, which converts snippets of Python code to fast LLVM bytecode. Each of these has its strengths and weaknesses, but it is safe to say that ...
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