How to do it...

  1. Let's start with loading the libraries:
import numpy as npimport osfrom cntk import Trainer, Axisfrom import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEATfrom cntk.learners import momentum_sgd, fsadagrad, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule, learning_rate_schedule, UnitTypefrom cntk import input, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_error, sequence,                 element_select, alias, hardmax, placeholder, combine, parameter, times, plusfrom cntk.ops.functions import CloneMethod, load_model, Functionfrom cntk.initializer import glorot_uniformfrom cntk.logging import log_number_of_parameters, ProgressPrinterfrom cntk.logging.graph import plotfrom cntk.layers import *from cntk.layers.sequence import ...

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