Chapter 12. Advanced pandas

The preceding chapters have focused on introducing different types of data wrangling workflows and features of NumPy, pandas, and other libraries. Over time, pandas has developed a depth of features for power users. This chapter digs into a few more advanced feature areas to help you deepen your expertise as a pandas user.

12.1 Categorical Data

This section introduces the pandas Categorical type. I will show how you can achieve better performance and memory use in some pandas operations by using it. I also introduce some tools for using categorical data in statistics and machine learning applications.

Background and Motivation

Frequently, a column in a table may contain repeated instances of a smaller set of distinct values. We have already seen functions like unique and value_counts, which enable us to extract the distinct values from an array and compute their frequencies, respectively:

In [12]: import numpy as np; import pandas as pd

In [13]: values = pd.Series(['apple', 'orange', 'apple',
   ....:                     'apple'] * 2)

In [14]: values
0     apple
1    orange
2     apple
3     apple
4     apple
5    orange
6     apple
7     apple
dtype: object

In [15]: pd.unique(values)
Out[15]: array(['apple', 'orange'], dtype=object)

In [16]: pd.value_counts(values)
apple     6
orange    2
dtype: int64

Many data systems (for data warehousing, statistical computing, or other uses) have developed specialized approaches for representing data with repeated values for more efficient storage and computation. ...

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