Python for Machine Learning: The Complete Beginner's Course

Video description

This course provides you with the essentials to understand how companies like Google and Amazon use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to extract meaning and insights from enormous data sets. You’ll learn how to work with machine learning algorithms and develop the highly-employable skills of a data scientist.

These videos minimize jargon and mathematical notations, instead explaining the topics in plain English to make them easy to comprehend. Once you get your hands on the sample code we provide, you'll be able to play with it and build on it. The emphasis of this course is on understanding and using these algorithms in the real world, not in a theoretical or academic context. You'll walk away from each video with a fresh idea that you can put to use right away!

You’ll work in Python using sciket-learn (sklearn), a free machine learning library built for Python.

All you need to succeed in this course is basic skills in mathematics and Python. Even if you have no prior statistical experience, you will learn to work with machine learning algorithms like a pro.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Meta Brains and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

About the Technology

About the Video

What's Inside
  • Python programming and scikit-learn applied to machine learning regression
  • Understand the underlying theory behind simple and multiple linear regression techniques
  • Solve regression problems (linear regression and logistic regression)
  • Theory and practical implementation of logistic regression using sklearn
  • Mathematics behind decision trees
  • Different algorithms for clustering

About the Reader
  • Experience with the basics of Python
  • Basic mathematical skills

About the Author

Meta Brains is a professional training brand developed by a team of software developers and finance professionals who have a passion for coding, finance & Excel.

They bring together both professional and educational experiences to create world-class training programs accessible to everyone.

Currently, they're focused on the next great revolution in computing: The Metaverse. Their ultimate objective is to train the next generation of talent so we can code & build the metaverse together!


Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Machine Learning
    1. What is Machine Learning?
    2. Applications of Machine Learning
    3. Machine learning Methods
    4. What is Supervised learning?
    5. What is Unsupervised learning?
    6. Supervised learning vs Unsupervised learning
  2. Implementing ML Algorithms in Python
    1. Introduction
    2. Python libraries for Machine Learning
    3. Setting up Python
    4. What is Jupyter?
    5. Anaconda Installation Windows Mac and Ubuntu
    6. Implementing Python in Jupyter
    7. Managing Directories in Jupyter Notebook
  3. Simple Linear Regression
    1. Introduction to regression
    2. How Does Linear Regression Work?
    3. Line representation
    4. Implementation in python: Importing libraries datasets
    5. Implementation in python: Distribution of the data
    6. Implementation in python: Creating a linear regression object
  4. Multiple Linear Regression
    1. Understanding Multiple linear regression
    2. Implementation in python: Exploring the dataset
    3. Implementation in python: Encoding Categorical Data
    4. Implementation in python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets
    5. Implementation in python: Training the model on the Training set
    6. Implementation in python: Predicting the Test Set results
    7. Evaluating the performance of the regression model
    8. Root Mean Squared Error in Python
  5. Classification Algorithms: K-Nearest Neighbors
    1. Introduction to classification
    2. K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm
    3. Example of KNN
    4. K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) using python
    5. Implementation in python: Importing required libraries
    6. Implementation in python: Importing the dataset
    7. Implementation in python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets
    8. Implementation in python: Feature Scaling
    9. Implementation in python: Importing the KNN classifier
    10. Implementation in python: Results prediction Confusion matrix
  6. Classification Algorithms: Decision Tree
    1. Introduction to decision trees
    2. What is Entropy?
    3. Exploring the dataset
    4. Decision tree structure
    5. Implementation in python: Importing libraries datasets
    6. Implementation in python: Encoding Categorical Data
    7. Implementation in python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets
    8. Implementation in python: Results prediction Accuracy
  7. Classification Algorithms: Logistic regression
    1. Introduction
    2. Implementation steps
    3. Implementation in python: Importing libraries datasets
    4. Implementation in python: Splitting data into Train and Test Sets
    5. Implementation in python: Pre-processing
    6. Implementation in python: Training the model
    7. Implementation in python: Results prediction Confusion matrix
    8. Logistic Regression vs Linear Regression
  8. Clustering
    1. Introduction to clustering
    2. Use cases
    3. K-Means Clustering Algorithm
    4. Elbow method
    5. Steps of the Elbow method
    6. Implementation in python
    7. Hierarchical clustering
    8. Density-based clustering
    9. Implementation of k-means clustering in python
    10. Importing the dataset
    11. Visualizing the dataset
    12. Defining the classifier
    13. 3D Visualization of the clusters
    14. 3D Visualization of the predicted values
    15. Number of predicted clusters
  9. Recommender System
    1. Introduction
    2. Collaborative Filtering in Recommender Systems
    3. Content-based Recommender System
    4. Implementation in python: Importing libraries datasets
    5. Merging datasets into one dataframe
    6. Sorting by title and rating
    7. Histogram showing number of ratings
    8. Frequency distribution
    9. Jointplot of the ratings and number of ratings
    10. Data pre-processing
    11. Sorting the most-rated movies
    12. Grab the ratings for two movies
    13. Correlation between the most-rated movies
    14. Sorting the data by correlation
    15. Filtering out movies
    16. Sorting values
    17. Repeating the process for another movie
  10. Conclusion
    1. Conclusion

Product information

  • Title: Python for Machine Learning: The Complete Beginner's Course
  • Author(s): Najib Abdallah
  • Release date: September 2022
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: 10000DIVC2022156