
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Advanced searching and indexing 308
Advancement in Python 309
AMD 6300 Series 16 Core Processor 311–312, 311f


Built-in constants 
Boolean values 31
hard core developer 31–32
strongly typed language 31–32, 31f
variables 31
Built-in exceptions 33–34
Built-in functions 
hex( ) and bin( ) 27–28, 27f
Python 2.7 30, 30t
range( ) 28–30, 28f
Built-in types 
bitwise operations 32
categories 32


Class Logging 141
Cloud-based experimental platform 308
Cloud-based Python environments 
cloud execution, iPad 289, 291f
desktop execution, Python applications 289, 291f
Digital Ocean Home Page 294f
Digital Ocean Plans 294f
elPassword 8-character combinations ...

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