© B.J. Korites 2018
B.J. KoritesPython Graphicshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3378-8_9

9. 3D Data Plotting

B. J. Korites1 
Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA

Extrapolating the techniques developed in Chapter 8, which were used to produce two dimensional splines, to three dimensions is easy: all you need to do is add a few lines to the program. These lines are the bold highlighted lines in Listing 9-1, particularly those in function plotspline() from lines 89 to 161. They introduce the z coordinate in a syntax that is essentially the same as used for the x and y coordinates.

Control of Listing 9-1 begins at line 175. The first set of data points are defined by lists x,y, and z in lines 175-177. These have been nullified with the # symbol but are left ...

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