Creating the graph view

Head over to, where we'll create the LineChartView class:

class LineChartView(tk.Canvas):

    margin = 20

    def __init__(self, parent, chart_width, chart_height,
                 x_axis, y_axis, x_max, y_max):
        self.max_x = max_x
        self.max_y = max_y
        self.chart_width = chart_width
        self.chart_height = chart_height

LineChartView is a subclass of Canvas, so we'll be able to draw items directly on it. We'll accept a parent widget, height, and width for the chart portion, labels for the x and y axes as arguments, and the maximum values for x and y to display. We'll save the chart dimensions and maximum values for later use, and set a class property of 20 pixels for the margin width.

Let's start setting up this Canvas:

 view_width = chart_width ...

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