How to do it...

Perform the following steps to implement morphological pattern matching with hit-or-miss-transform:

  1. Define the hit_or_miss_transform() function that accepts the filenames corresponding to the input image and two SEs (the first one for hit and the second one for miss) as input:
def hit_or_miss_transform(im, s1, s2):
  1. Inside the function, read the input image and structuring elements, consequently converting them into grayscale:
  im = rgb2gray(imread(im))  m, n = im.shape  s1 = rgb2gray(imread(s1))  s2 = rgb2gray(imread(s2))
  1. Apply the hit-or-miss transform using corresponding functions from the scipy.ndimage module, which returns a Boolean NumPy ndarray where the elements corresponding to the match position are set to True ...

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