How to Read the Event Log

This functionality is easy to demonstrate. Let’s open the Event Log and read the first few records:

>>> import win32evtlog
>>> h=win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(None, "Application")

You’ve now opened the application Event Log. To read records sequentially backwards from the end, combine the flags using the Python bitwise-or operator ( | ):

>>> records=win32evtlog.ReadEventLog(h, flags, 0)
>>> len(records)

This call to ReadEventLog() returned seven Event Log records. Let’s look at some of the properties of the first one:

>>> records[0]
<PyEventLogRecord object at 187d040>

It’s one of our objects; let’s look inside:

>>> records[0].SourceName
L'WinSock Proxy Client'
>>> records[0].TimeWritten.Format() 
'01/27/99 11:42:22'

This first record was written by the “Winsock Proxy Client,” and you can see the date and time it was written. Note the L prefix on the returned string. All strings are returned as Unicode objects.

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