Python 101

Here's a Python class followed by its Java equivalent.


class Employee:
  def __init__(self, fname="John", lname="Doe", id=1, manager=None, dept=1):
        self.__firstName     =     fname
        self.__lastName      =     lname
        self.__id            =     id
        self.__manager       =     manager
        self.__dept          =     dept

  def getManager(self):
        return self.__manager

  def __str__(self):
        values = self.__lastName, self.__firstName, self.__id
        return join(values,',')


 public class Employee{ private String firstName, lastName; private int id, dept; private Employee manager; public Employee(){ firstName = "John"; lastName = "Doe"; id = 1; vmanager=null; dept=1; } public Employee(String fname, String lname, int id, Employee manager, int dept){ firstName = fname; lastName = lname; = id; ...

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