© Sloan Kelly  2019
Sloan KellyPython, PyGame, and Raspberry Pi Game Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4533-0_20

20. Game Project: Invaders

Sloan Kelly1 
Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
Our final arcade-style game project is Invaders and it brings together everything that we’ve done up until this point. We’ve got sounds, animation, MVC, and FSM all wrapped in one game. See Figure 20-1.
Figure 20-1.

The Invaders game in action

Before we get started, create a new folder inside ‘pygamebook’ called ‘projects,’ if there isn’t one there already. Inside ‘projects,’ create another folder called ‘invaders.’ This is where all the files that we create will ...

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