Testing a Package
We’ll use the sample project, Tasks, as discussed in The Tasks Project, to see how to write test functions for a Python package. Tasks is a Python package that includes a command-line tool of the same name, tasks.
Appendix 4, Packaging and Distributing Python Projects includes an explanation of how to distribute your projects locally within a small team or globally through PyPI, so I won’t go into detail of how to do that here; however, let’s take a quick look at what’s in the Tasks project and how the different files fit into the story of testing this project.
Following is the file structure for the Tasks project:
| tasks_proj/ |
| ├── CHANGELOG.rst |
| ├── LICENSE |
| ├── MANIFEST.in |
| ├── README.rst |
| ├── setup.py |
| ├── src |
| │ ... |
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