How to do it

Lemmatization can be utilized in NTLK using the WordNetLemmatizerThis class uses the WordNet service, an online semantic database to make its decisions.  The code in the 07/ file extends the previous stemming example to also calculate the lemmatization of each word.  The code of importance is the following:

from nltk.stem import PorterStemmerfrom import LancasterStemmerfrom nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizerpst = PorterStemmer()lst = LancasterStemmer()wnl = WordNetLemmatizer()print("Stemming / lemmatization results")for token in regexp_tokenize(sentences[0], pattern='\w+'):    print(token, pst.stem(token), lst.stem(token), wnl.lemmatize(token))

And it results in the following output:

Stemming ...

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