How to do it

We will start by converting the planets data into a CSV file.

  1. This will be performed using csv.  The following code writes the planets data to a CSV file (the code is in03/
import csvfrom get_planet_data import get_planet_dataplanets = get_planet_data()with open('../../www/planets.csv', 'w+', newline='') as csvFile:    writer = csv.writer(csvFile)    writer.writerow(['Name', 'Mass', 'Radius', 'Description', 'MoreInfo'])for planet in planets:        writer.writerow([planet['Name'], planet['Mass'],planet['Radius'], planet['Description'], planet['MoreInfo']])
  1. The output file is put into the www folder of our project.  Examining it we see the following content::
Name,Mass,Radius,Description,MoreInfo Mercury,0.330,4879,Named ...

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