Chapter 5

User-Driven Server Selection Algorithm for CDN Architecture

This chapter will present the proposed server selection method that is inspired by the bio-inspired multi-armed bandit problem for the meta-routing layer of a content distribution network architecture. The proposal considers the Quality of Experience as the reward regulation parameter in the control process that is able to take into account the exploration-exploitation trade-off.

5.1. Introduction

The end-to-end QoE model is efficient and indispensable in each of today’s network systems. It carries the user experience to guarantee the satisfaction of end users instead of focusing only on technical parameters such as current Quality of Service (QoS) systems. In fact, as proven previously, satisfying end users is the new trend of development for the Internet as well as emerging high-quality applications. However, the end-to-end QoE model will be abstract if it is not applied to any real network architecture. In this book, we decided to apply this model to a CDN architecture, which has been introduced to improve the delivered service quality.

As discussed in Chapter 3, CDN [YIN 10] is considered as the user-centered solution in moving content from the origin servers to the servers close to end users. This approach is used to improve the scalability of a network service due to the fact that it is able to provide services to a large number of clients with a reasonable service quality. Actually, the user requests are ...

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