Long description

A table with six columns and eight rows is shown:

  • The column headers are: Variable, Value, Reduced, Original value, Lower bound, and Upper bound.

  • The row headers are: T, C, Constraint, Carpentry hours, painting hours, Inspection hours, Lumber (linear feet), and Demand.

  • The first row has the values: 27.3803, 0, 70, 41.6667, and 160.

  • The second row has the values: 37.1831, 0, 50, 21.875, and 84.

  • The third row is shaded and has the values: Dual Value, stack/surplus, original value, lower bound, and upper bound.

  • The fourth row has the values: 0, 18.9296, 240, 221.0704, and infinity.

  • The fifth row has the values: 0, 8.0563, 100, 91.9437, and infinity.

  • The sixth row has the values: 63.3803, 0, 36, 19.5, and 40.8.

  • The seventh row has ...

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