Long description

An image shows a 3 by 3 matrix as follows.

  • Row 1: a, b, c

  • Row 2: d, e, f

  • Row 3: g, h, i

The matrix is redrawn as one having 5 columns and 3 rows as follows.

  • Row 1: a, b, c, a, b

  • Row 2: d, e, f, d, e

  • Row 3: g, h, I, g, h

Three arrows labeled “Primary diagonal” are drawn from the elements in the top row to the elements in the bottom row as follows.

  • Arrow 1: a, e, i

  • Arrow 2: b, f, g

  • Arrow 3: c, d, h

Three arrows labeled “Secondary diagonal” are drawn from the elements in the bottom row to the elements in the top row as follows.

  • Arrow 1: g, e, c

  • Arrow 2: h, f, a

  • Arrow 3: i, d, b

Value is shows to be the difference of the sum of the products of the primary diagonals and the sum of the products of the secondary diagonals.

Sum of the products ...

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