Chapter 20

Ten University Research Programs


Bullet Finding inspiration in Berkeley

Bullet Searching for qubits in Harvard Yard

Bullet Enjoying innovation in the land down under

This chapter describes ten of the top university research programs for quantum computing. Reasons for inclusion in this list include past meritorious service, such as early contributions to the topic, and more recent contributions and renown. We’ve arranged this list with consideration both to how early an institution’s contributions have been and some ordering by language and geography. So please consider this a sampler from among many strong contributors, rather than a definitive list.

The key undergraduate majors for those interested in quantum computing are computer science and physics, in both cases with an emphasis on the relevant mathematics. Computer engineering is also applicable, but the hardware for quantum computing may settle down into one or a few standardized architectures, lessening the need for additional workers, sooner than the algorithms and other computer software required.

At the graduate level, physics undergraduates can move into doctoral programs in computer science, and vice versa. And ...

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