1Cyber Quantum Computing (Security) Using Rectified Probabilistic Packet Mark for Big Data

Anil V. Turukmane* and Ganesh Khekare

Department of Computer Science Engineering, Parul University, Vadodar, Gujarat, India


In recent years, denial-of-service (DoS) assaults have been a system flaw. DoS disobedience testing has become one of the most important streams in system Quantum Computing Security). This dynamic field of investigation has yielded astounding frameworks such as pushback message, ICMP take after back, and following package improvement methods. In tributary regarded informatics, the probabilistic packet marking (PPM) standard drew in considerable thinking. To begin with, the alluring purpose of this informatics follow-up approach is that it permits alterations to etch bound data on ambush packages that support chosen likelihood. After gathering a sufficient number of examined packages, the loss (or information plan centre) will construct a set of systems that offence groups crossed and, as a result, the setback will be assigned zones. The goal of the PPM algorithmic project is to demonstrate that produced outline is the same as offence graph, where relate degree attack outline is that course of action of techniques ambush packs investigated and created outline could be diagrammed by PPM algorithmic framework. The main goal of the structure is to provide a powerful approach to cope with tracking down an assailant’s back IP address through a media like the internet. ...

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