Chapter 6: Understanding the Qiskit® Gate Library

In this chapter, we will explore the quantum gates that are offered out of the Qiskit® box. By including a quantum gate library that features the most common gates, Qiskit® makes coding your circuits easy.

Among the gates that we will look at are the Pauli X, Y, and Z gates used for basic qubit flips, the H (or Hadamard) gate used to create qubit superpositions, and the CX (controlled-NOT) gate used to create quantum entanglement. For a quick refresher, take a look at Chapter 4, Starting at the Ground Level with Terra.

We will also look at the specialized S and T gates, spin our qubits with R gates, and then show how just a minimal set of U1, U2, U3, ID, and CX basis gates are used to translate ...

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