Chapter 9. Observability
In this chapter, you’ll learn about observability and why it is important to have in the microservices architecture. Observability answers the question of how your system is behaving by observing some parameters like error codes, performance, or any kind of business metric. Quarkus integrates with several technologies used for observability natively.
This chapter will include recipes for how to accomplish the following tasks:
Define health checks
Provide metrics to the monitoring system
Configure distributed tracing to have an overview of a request inside the mesh
9.1 Using Automatic Health Checks
You want to check whether the service is up and running and able to handle requests correctly.
The MicroProfile Health specification provides an API to probe the state of a service from another machine (e.g., Kubernetes Controller).
To enable MicroProfile Health in a Quarkus application, you need to register only the quarkus-smallrye-health
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="quarkus-smallrye-health"
With the extension in the classpath, Quarkus automatically registers a default liveness and readiness probe, which both return UP
when the service is up and running:
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
curl localhost:8080/health/live
"status": "UP",
"checks": [
curl localhost:8080/health/ready
"status": "UP", ...
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