Chapter 10. Integrating with Kubernetes

So far, you’ve been learning how to develop and run Quarkus applications on bare-metal, but where Quarkus really shines is when it is running in a Kubernetes cluster.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about the integration between Quarkus and Kubernetes, and how several extensions can help develop and deploy a Quarkus service for Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is becoming the de facto platform to deploy applications; for this reason it is important to have a good understanding of Kubernetes and how to correctly develop and deploy applications on it.

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Build and push container images

  • Generate Kubernetes resources

  • Deploy a Quarkus service

  • Develop a Kubernetes operator

  • Deploy a service in Knative

10.1 Building and Pushing Container Images


You want to build and push container images.


The working unit in Kubernetes is a pod. A pod represents a group of containers that are running in the same host machine and share resources like IP and ports. To deploy a service to Kubernetes, you need to create a pod. Since a pod is composed by one or more containers, you need to build a container image of your service.

Quarkus provides extensions for building and optionally pushing container images. At the time of writing, the following container build strategies are supported:


Jib builds Docker and OCI container images for your Java applications without a Docker daemon ...

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