Paying Your Bills

Entering bills in QuickBooks is not paying bills. The bills you enter are a record of what you owe and when, but they do nothing to send money to your vendors. In QuickBooks, Pay Bills is the command that pushes your money out the door. With this one command you can select the bills you want to pay, how much to pay for each one, your payment method, the payment account, and the date for the payment. If you have credits or early payment discounts, you can include those, too.


If you want to evaluate all your unpaid bills before you begin paying them, choose ReportsVendors & PayablesUnpaid Bills Detail. QuickBooks displays the bills due up to the current date, grouped by vendor. To include bills due in the future, in the Dates box, choose All. If you want to inspect a bill more closely, double-click anywhere in the line for that bill.

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