Appendix A
Installing QuickBooks in a Dozen Easy Steps
If you haven’t already installed QuickBooks, get it over with right now:
1. Turn on the PC.
Find and flip on the computer’s power switch. Depending on which version of Windows you are using (XP, Vista, Windows 7 or 8), your screen may look a little different from the figures here. I’m using Windows 8, by the way. Not that you care or that it matters.
If you’re installing QuickBooks on a computer running a professional or business edition of Windows, you may need to log on as either the administrator or a user with administrator rights. With the business flavors of the Windows operating systems, Windows security features require an administrator to install the QuickBooks program.
2. Get the QuickBooks CD.
Rip open the QuickBooks package and get out the CD (which looks exactly like the ones that play music).
You can also purchase QuickBooks directly from Intuit by using the
website and then downloading the software at the time of purchase. You need a fast Internet connection to download the QuickBooks software — the download requires close to an hour with a cable modem and even more time with a slower connection. If you do download, skip ahead to Step 4.
3. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. ...
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