Chapter 3

Tracking Inventory and Items


check Viewing your Item list

check Expanding the Item list

check Changing items

check Modifying physical counts and inventory values

check Modifying prices and price levels

check Dealing with a manufacturing firm’s inventory

If you’ve worked with QuickBooks, you won’t be surprised to hear that the Item list is a key piece of your QuickBooks accounting system. The Item list identifies each of the things that you sell. The Item list also identifies other things that appear in your invoices and — if you use them — purchase orders.

In this chapter, I talk about how you work with the QuickBooks Item list — more specifically, how you look at and use the information in the Item list to track and tally what you sell. I explain how to add information to the list and how to edit information that’s already in the list. What’s more, I talk about three accounting tasks that ...

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