Keep Separate accounts, 228

Keogh account, 33–34, 237, 241–244

keyboard mappings, 508, 520

keyboard shortcuts

   copying report to clipboard, 476

   customizing Toolbar buttons, 518

   file management, 507

   using, 507–508

   Windows 7 and 8, 38


labels, printing Address Book, 202

large cap stocks, 275

Large Fonts, 38

ledger types, 32

lender loans, 291, 304–305

License Agreement, installing Quicken, 6

life expectancy section, Lifetime Planner, 372

Lifetime Planner

   About You section, 370–372

   expenses section, 382–385

   homes and assets section, 379–380

   income section, 372–376

   inflation section, 376

   investment data integration with, 239

   loans and debt section, 380–382

   other planning tools, 389

   overview of, 368–369

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