Index of R commands, variables, and symbols


*, 43

->, 10

..., 88

.C, 178, 180182, 185, 188

.Call, 180, 181, 185, 186, 188

.External, 185188

.First, 172

.Last, 173

.Last.value, 13, 84

.Machine, 138

.RData, 161, 172

.Rprofile, 172

.packages, 173

/, 44

:, 20

;, 11

<, 24

<-, 10, 85

<<-, 37, 87, 88

<=, 24

=, 10, 85

==, 24, 168

>, 23, 24

>=, 24

?, 5

??, 5

[, 22, 27, 57

[[, 57

#, 80

$ , 57

%*%, 43, 44

%%, 13, 14

%^%, 44

%in%, 171

&, 49

&&, 65

^, 13

{, 66, 68

|, 49

||, 65

!, 49

$, 36

^, 44

abs, 13, 16

acos, 13

acosh, 13

alarm, 170

all, 49, 66

any, 49

apply, 4143, 47, 5052

approx, 140

apropos, 5

Arg, 16

array, 32

arrayInd, 29

arrows, 116

as.character, 167

as.Date, 170

as.formula, 141

as.integer, 157

as.list, 60

as.matrix, 148, 149, 151, 156

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