
This package provides functions for bootstrap resampling.


EEF.profileCalculates the log-likelihood for a mean using an empirical exponential family likelihood.
EL.profileCalculates the log-likelihood for a mean using an empirical likelihood.
abc.ciCalculates equitailed two-sided nonparametric approximate bootstrap confidence intervals for a parameter, given a set of data and an estimator of the parameter, using numerical differentiation.
bootGenerates R bootstrap replicates of a statistic applied to data.
boot.arrayTakes a bootstrap object calculated by one of the functions boot, censboot, or tilt.boot and returns the frequency (or index) array for the bootstrap resamples.
boot.ciGenerates five different types of equitailed two-sided nonparametric confidence intervals. These are the first-order normal approximation, the basic bootstrap interval, the Studentized bootstrap interval, the bootstrap percentile interval, and the adjusted bootstrap percentile (BCa) interval. All or a subset of these intervals can be generated.
censbootApplies types of bootstrap resampling that have been suggested to deal with right-censored data. It can also perform model-based resampling using a Cox regression model.
controlFinds control variate estimates from a bootstrap output object.
corrCalculates the weighted correlation given a data set and a set of weights.
cum3Calculates an estimate of the third cumulant, or skewness, of a vector. Also, if more than one vector is specified, ...

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