
This package contains functions for survival analysis.


SurvCreates a survival object, usually used as a response variable in a model formula.
aaregReturns an object of class "aareg" that represents an Aalen model.
attrassignThe "assign" attribute on model matrices describes which columns come from which terms in the model formula.
basehazComputes the baseline survival curve for a Cox model.
cchReturns estimates and standard errors from relative risk regression fit to data from case-cohort studies, cohort data, and Borgan II, a generalization of the Lin-Ying estimator.
clogitEstimates a logistic regression model by maximizing the conditional likelihood.
clusterA special function used in the context of survival models. It identifies correlated groups of observations and is used on the right-hand side of a formula.
cox.zphTests the proportional hazards assumption for a Cox regression model fit (coxph).
coxphFits a Cox proportional hazards regression model.
coxph.controlUsed to set various numeric parameters controlling a Cox model fit. Typically, it would be used only in a call to coxph.
coxph.detailReturns the individual contributions to the first and second derivative matrix at each unique event time.
coxph.fitInternal survival function.
dsurvregDensity, cumulative probability, and quantiles for the set of distributions supported by the survreg function.
format.SurvCreates a survival object, usually used as a response variable in a model formula.
frailtyAdds ...

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