
This package contains a variety of utility functions for R, including package management, file reading and writing, and editing.


?Documentation on a topic.
RShowDocUtility function to find and display R documentation.
RSiteSearchSearches for keywords or phrases in the R-help mailing list archives, help pages, vignettes, or task views, using the search engine at http://search.r-project.org, and displays the results in a web browser.
RprofEnables or disables profiling of the execution of R expressions.
RprofmemEnables or disables reporting of memory allocation in R.
RtangleA driver for Stangle that extracts R code chunks.
RtangleSetupA driver for Stangle that extracts R code chunks.
RtangleWritedocThese functions are handy for writing Sweave drivers and currently not documented. Look at the source code of the Sweave Latex driver (in this package) or the HTML driver (in the R2HTML package from CRAN) to see how they can be used.
RweaveChunkPrefixThese functions are handy for writing Sweave drivers and currently not documented. Look at the source code of the Sweave Latex driver (in this package) or the HTML driver (in the R2HTML package from CRAN) to see how they can be used.
RweaveEvalWithOptThese functions are handy for writing Sweave drivers and currently not documented. Look at the source code of the Sweave Latex driver (in this package) or the HTML driver (in the R2HTML package from CRAN) to see how they can be used.
RweaveLatexA driver for Sweave that translates ...

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