Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry uses CloudAMQP (see the RabbitMQ on CloudAMQP recipe) as a RabbitMQ service. In the previous recipes we have introduced the two cloud services. Now we will show how to use RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry.
You can find the source at Chapter11/Recipe03/
Getting ready
We will need the following software:
- Ruby
- RubyGems
- Java 1.6+
- Spring Framework
- Apache Maven
How to do it...
For a quick startup, we have copied the source code from the recipe RabbitMQ on CloudAMQP and added the RabbitMQ configuration.
- Log in to the Cloud Foundry system and open the section SERVICES IN DEVELOPMENT, then add a new CloudAMQP service. Finally, choose the free instance as shown in the following screenshot:
- Call the CloudAMQP service
. - Open ...
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