Appendices A Vector AnalysisAppen

A.1 Coordinate Transformations

The major three coordinate systems to be considered are: rectangular (x,y,z), cylindrical (ρ,φ,z), and spherical (r,θ,φ), and they are shown in Fig. A.1.

Diagrammatic illustration of rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates.

figure A.1 Rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates.

A.1 equation

The corresponding unit vectors in the three coordinate systems are provided in the following tables:

Rectangular to cylindrical

bapp01-math-0002 bapp01-math-0003 bapp01-math-0004
bapp01-math-0005 cosφ sinφ 0
bapp01-math-0006 -sinφ cosφ 0
bapp01-math-0007 0 0 1

Rectangular to spherical

sinθcosφ sinθsinφ cos θ
cosθcosφ cosθsinφ
cosφ 0

Cylindrical to spherical

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