List of Figures
1.1 | Simple spring mass system |
1.2 | Classifications of deterministic data |
1.3 | Time history and spectrum of sinusoidal data |
1.4 | Spectrum of complex periodic data |
1.5 | Spectrum of almost-periodic data |
1.6 | Illustrations of transient data |
1.7 | Spectra of transient data |
1.8 | Sample records of thermal noise generator outputs |
1.9 | Classifications of random data |
1.10 | Ensemble of time history records defining a random process |
1.11 | Four special time histories. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise |
1.12 | Probability density function plots. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise |
1.13 | Autocorrelation function plots. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise |
1.14 | Autospectral density function plots. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise |
1.15 | Single-input/single-output system with output noise |
1.16 | Single-input/multiple-output system with output noise |
1.17 | Multiple-input/single-output system with output noise |
1.18 | Random and bias errors in gun shoots at a target. (a) Gun A: large bias error and small random error. (b) Gun B: small bias error and large random error |
2.1 | Simple mechanical system |
2.2 | Mechanical system with force input |
2.3 | Frequency response function of mechanical system with force input, (a |