List of Figures

1.1Simple spring mass system
1.2Classifications of deterministic data
1.3Time history and spectrum of sinusoidal data
1.4Spectrum of complex periodic data
1.5Spectrum of almost-periodic data
1.6Illustrations of transient data
1.7Spectra of transient data
1.8Sample records of thermal noise generator outputs
1.9Classifications of random data
1.10Ensemble of time history records defining a random process
1.11Four special time histories. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise
1.12Probability density function plots. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise
1.13Autocorrelation function plots. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise
1.14Autospectral density function plots. (a) Sine wave. (b) Sine wave plus random noise. (c) Narrow bandwidth random noise. (d) Wide bandwidth random noise
1.15Single-input/single-output system with output noise
1.16Single-input/multiple-output system with output noise
1.17Multiple-input/single-output system with output noise
1.18Random and bias errors in gun shoots at a target. (a) Gun A: large bias error and small random error. (b) Gun B: small bias error and large random error
2.1Simple mechanical system
2.2Mechanical system with force input
2.3Frequency response function of mechanical system with force input, (a

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