This section describes the extended features block (EF_ID=0h0007) that allows an external processing element to manage the error status and reporting for a processing element. This appendix describes only registers or register bits defined by this extended features block. All registers are 32 bits and aligned to a 32-bit boundary.

Table D.1. Bit settings for port n control CSRs
BitNameReset valueDescription
28Stop on port failed-encountered enable0b0This bit is used with the drop-packet enable bit to force certain behavior when the error rate failed Threshold has been met or exceeded.
29Drop-packet enable0b0This bit is used with the stop on port failed-encountered enable bit to force certail behavior when the error rate failed threshold has been met or exceeded.
30Port lockout0b0When this bit is cleared, the packets that may be received and issued are controlled by the state of the output port enable and input port enable bits in the port n control CSR When this bit is set, this port is stopped and is not enabled to issue or receive any packets; the input port can still follow the training procedure and can still send and respond to link-requests; all received packets return packet-not-accepted control symbols to force an error condition to be signaled by the sending device
Table D.2. Bit settings for port n error and status CSRs
BitNameReset valueDescription
5Output packet-dropped0b0Output port has discarded a packet. Once set remains set until written ...

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