Chapter 14

Robust Language Identification with RapidMiner: A Text Mining Use Case

Matko Bošnjak

University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues

University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Luis Sarmento - Portugal Telecom, Lisbon, Portugal


API -Application Programming Interface

ETL -Extract, Transform and Load

HTTP -HyperText Transfer Protocol

k-NN -k Nearest Neighbours

NLP -Natural Language Processing

SVM -Support Vector Machines

TF-IDF -Term Frequency -Inverse Document Frequency

UTF-8 -Unicode Transformation Format – 8-bit

XML -eXtensible Markup Language

14.1 Introduction

Language identification, the process of determining the language of machine-readable text, is an important ...

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