Chapter 6. Python Lists and Dictionaries

6.0 Introduction

In Chapter 5, we looked at the basics of the Python language. In this chapter, we will look at two key Python data structures: lists and dictionaries.

6.1 Creating a List


You want to use a variable to hold a series of values rather than just one value.


Use a list. In Python, a list is a collection of values stored in a specific order so that you can access them by position.

You create a list by using the [ and ] characters to contain its initial contents:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]

Unlike the more rigid arrays in languages like C, you don’t need to specify the size of a list in Python when you declare it. You can also change the number of elements in the list any time you like.


As this example illustrates, the items in a list do not need to be the same type, although they often are. In fact its quite common for the elements of a list to themselves be lists.

To create an empty list that you can add items to later, you can use:

>>> a = []

6.2 Accessing Elements of a List


You want to find individual elements of a list or change them.


Use the [] notation to access elements of a list by their position in the list. For example, to access the element at position 1 in a list:

>>> a = [34, 'Fred', 12, False, 72.3]
>>> a[1]


The list positions (indices) start at 0 for the first element (not at 1).

As well as using the [] notation ...

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