Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Book description

Master your Raspberry Pi in a flash with this easy-to-follow guide

Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive guide to this exciting technology, fully updated to align with the Rev 3 board. Veteran technology authors provide expert insight and guidance that get you up and running fast, allowing you to explore the full capabilities of your Raspberry Pi. The clear, concise style makes this guide easy to follow for complete beginners, providing step-by-step instruction throughout the setup process and into systems administration and programming. Updated information includes coverage of Noobs, PiStore and making music with SonicPi, in addition to basic Raspberry Pi operations and features.

Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 2nd Edition teaches you everything you need to know to get the most out of your device. Even if you've never ventured beyond e-mail and web browsers, this guide will give you the skills and confidence you need to take advantage of everything the Raspberry Pi has to offer.

  • Find out how to install the operating system and connect to other devices

  • Install, use and remove software like a pro

  • Learn basic Linux systems administration

  • Program with Scratch, Python and Minecraft on your Raspberry Pi

  • The Raspberry Pi has awakened a whole new generation of hardware geeks, hackers and hobbyists, and now it's your turn to join their ranks. Learning how to fully use your new technology is the first step, and Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the ideal companion guide.

    Table of contents

      1. Introduction
        1. About This Book
        2. Why You Need This Book
        3. Foolish Assumptions
        4. Icons Used in This Book
        5. Beyond the Book
        6. Where to Go from Here
      2. Part I: Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi
        1. Chapter 1: Introducing the Raspberry Pi
          1. Getting Familiar with the Raspberry Pi
          2. Figuring Out What You Can Do with a Raspberry Pi
          3. Determining Its Limitations
          4. Getting Your Hands on a Raspberry Pi
          5. Deciding What Else You Need
        2. Chapter 2: Downloading the Operating System
          1. Introducing Linux
          2. Creating a NOOBS Card
            1. Downloading NOOBS
            2. Formatting your SD card
            3. Using Windows
            4. Using a Mac
            5. Using Linux
            6. Copying NOOBS to your SD or MicroSD card
          3. Using Your NOOBS Card
        3. Chapter 3: Connecting Your Raspberry Pi
          1. Inserting the SD Card
          2. Connecting the Raspberry PiCamera Module
          3. Connecting a Monitor or TV
            1. Connecting an HDMI or DVI display
            2. Connecting a television using composite video
          4. Connecting a USB Hub
          5. Connecting a Keyboard and Mouse
          6. Connecting Audio
          7. Connecting to Your Router
          8. Connecting the Power and Turning on the Raspberry Pi
          9. Using Raspi-config to Set Up Your Raspberry Pi
          10. Logging In
            1. Setting up the data partition
          11. Configuring Your Wi-Fi
          12. Testing the Camera Module
          13. Taking Your Next Steps with the Raspberry Pi
      3. Part II: Getting Started with Linux
        1. Chapter 4: Using the Desktop Environment
          1. Starting the Desktop Environment
          2. Navigating the Desktop Environment
            1. Using the icons on the desktop
            2. Using the Programs menu
            3. Using multiple desktops
            4. Resizing and closing your program windows
          3. Using the Task Manager
          4. Using External Storage Devices in the Desktop Environment
          5. Using File Manager
            1. Navigating File Manager
            2. Copying and moving files and folders
            3. Selecting multiple files and folders
            4. Creating new folders and blank files
            5. Changing how files are displayed
            6. Opening a folder as root or in the terminal
          6. Browsing the Web
            1. Using Epiphany to browse the web
            2. Searching within web pages
            3. Using tabbed browsing
            4. Adding and using bookmarks
            5. Protecting your privacy
          7. Using the Image Viewer
          8. Using the Leafpad Text Editor
          9. Customizing Your Desktop
          10. Logging Out from LXDE
        2. Chapter 5: Using the Linux Shell
          1. Understanding the Prompt
          2. Exploring Your Linux System
            1. Listing files and directories
            2. Changing directories
            3. Checking file types
            4. Changing to the parent directory
            5. Understanding the directory tree
            6. Using relative and absolute paths
            7. Investigating more advanced listing options
          3. Understanding the Long Listing Format and Permissions
          4. Slowing Down the Listing and Reading Files with the Less Command
          5. Speeding Up Entering Commands
          6. Using Redirection to Create Files in Linux
          7. Top Tips for Naming Your Files in Linux
          8. Creating Directories
          9. Deleting Files in Linux
          10. Using Wildcards to Select Multiple Files in Linux
          11. Removing Directories
          12. Copying and Renaming Files
          13. Installing and Managing Software on Your Raspberry Pi
            1. Updating the cache
            2. Finding the package name
            3. Installing software
            4. Running software
            5. Upgrading the software on your Raspberry Pi
            6. Removing software and freeing up space
            7. Finding out what’s installed on your Raspberry Pi
          14. Managing User Accounts on Your Raspberry Pi
          15. Learning More about Linux Commands
          16. Customizing Your Shell with Your Own Linux Commands
          17. Shutting Down and Rebooting Your Raspberry Pi
      4. Part III: Using the Raspberry Pi for Both Work and Play
        1. Chapter 6: Being Productive with the Raspberry Pi
          1. Installing LibreOffice on Your Raspberry Pi
          2. Starting LibreOffice on the Raspberry Pi
          3. Saving Your Work
          4. Writing Letters in LibreOffice Writer
          5. Managing Your Budget in LibreOffice Calc
          6. Creating Presentations in LibreOffice Impress
          7. Creating a Party Invitation with LibreOffice Draw
        2. Chapter 7: Editing Photos on the Raspberry Pi with GIMP
          1. Installing and Starting GIMP
          2. Understanding the GIMP Screen Layout
          3. Resizing an Image in GIMP
          4. Cropping Your Photo
          5. Rotating and Flipping Your Photo
          6. Adjusting the Colors
          7. Fixing Imperfections
          8. Converting Images between Different Formats
          9. Finding Out More about GIMP
        3. Chapter 8: Playing Audio and Video on the Raspberry Pi
          1. Setting Up Your Media Center
          2. Navigating the Media Center
          3. Adding Media
            1. Adding a USB device
            2. Adding networked media
            3. Using streaming media
          4. Playing Music
          5. Playing Videos
          6. Viewing Photos
          7. Changing the Settings
          8. Using a Remote Control
          9. Turning Off Your Media Center
          10. Playing Music in the Desktop Environment
      5. Part IV: Programming the Raspberry Pi
        1. Chapter 9: Introducing Programming with Scratch
          1. Understanding What Programming Is
          2. Starting Scratch
          3. Understanding the Scratch Screen Layout
          4. Positioning and Resizing Your Sprite
          5. Making Your Sprite Move
            1. Using directions to move your sprite
            2. Using grid coordinates to move and position your sprite
            3. Showing sprite information on the Stage
          6. Changing Your Sprite’s Appearance
            1. Using costumes
            2. Using speech and thought bubbles
            3. Using graphic effects
            4. Resizing your sprite
            5. Changing your sprite’s visibility
          7. Adding Sounds and Music
          8. Creating Scripts
          9. Using the Wait Block to Slow Down Your Sprite
          10. Saving Your Work
        2. Chapter 10: Programming an Arcade Game Using Scratch
          1. Starting a New Scratch Project and Deleting Sprites
          2. Changing the Background
          3. Adding Sprites to Your Game
          4. Drawing Sprites in Scratch
          5. Naming Your Sprites
          6. Controlling When Scripts Run
            1. Using the green flag to start scripts
            2. Using the Forever Control block
            3. Enabling keyboard control of a sprite
            4. Enabling a sprite to control another sprite
          7. Using Random Numbers
          8. Detecting When a Sprite Hits Another Sprite
          9. Introducing Variables
          10. Making Sprites Move Automatically
          11. Fixing the Final Bug
          12. Adding Scripts to the Stage
          13. Duplicating Sprites
          14. Playing Your Game
          15. Adapting the Game’s Speed
          16. Taking It Further with Scratch
        3. Chapter 11: Writing Programs in Python
          1. Starting Python
          2. Entering Your First Python Commands
          3. Using the Shell to Calculate Sums
          4. Creating the Times Tables Program
            1. Creating and running your first Python program
            2. Using variables
            3. Accepting user input
            4. Printing words, variables, and numbers together
            5. Using for loops to repeat
          5. Creating the Chatbot Program
            1. Introducing lists
            2. Using lists to make a random chat program
            3. Adding a while loop
            4. Using a loop to force a reply from the player
            5. Using dictionaries
            6. Creating your own functions
            7. Creating the dictionary look-up function
            8. Creating the main conversation loop
            9. Final thoughts on Chatbot
            10. The final Chatbot program
        4. Chapter 12: Creating a Game with Python and Pygame
          1. Installing and Updating Pygame
          2. Importing Pygame
          3. Setting Up the Game Window
          4. Using Colors in Pygame
          5. Drawing with Pygame
          6. Creating the Game Map
          7. Drawing the Bricks
          8. Positioning the Bat
          9. Positioning the Ball
          10. Displaying the End Game Messages
          11. Checking for a Win
          12. Setting Up the Timings
          13. Making the Bat Move
          14. Making the Ball Move
          15. Adapting the Game
        5. Chapter 13: Programming Minecraft with Python
          1. Playing Minecraft
            1. Moving around
            2. Making and breaking things
          2. Preparing for Python
          3. Using the Minecraft Module
            1. Understanding coordinates in Minecraft
            2. Repositioning the player
            3. Adding blocks
            4. Stopping the player from changing the world
            5. Setting the maze parameters
            6. Laying the foundations
            7. Placing the maze walls
            8. Understanding the maze algorithm
            9. Setting up the variables and lists
            10. Creating the functions
            11. Creating the main loop
            12. Adding a ceiling
            13. Positioning the player
            14. The final code
          4. Adapting the Program
        6. Chapter 14: Making Music with Sonic Pi
          1. Understanding the Sonic Pi Screen Layout
          2. Playing Your First Notes
          3. Writing Shorter Programs
          4. Composing Random Tunes Using Shuffle
          5. Using Array Names in Your Programs
          6. Using Threads to Play Accompaniments
          7. Playing Random Notes
          8. Turning Names into Music
          9. Using Note Names
          10. Using Samples
          11. Adding Special Effects
          12. Synchronizing with Your Drumbeat
      6. Part V: Exploring Electronics with the Raspberry Pi
        1. Chapter 15: Understanding Circuits and Soldering
          1. Discovering What a Circuit Is
            1. Understanding the nature of electricity
            2. Determining how a component needs to be treated
            3. Testing circuits with simulators
          2. Getting Familiar with the GPIO
            1. Putting the general purpose in GPIO
            2. Understanding what GPIOs do
            3. Putting an output pin to practical use
            4. Using GPIOs as inputs
            5. Learning which end is hot: Coming to grips with a soldering iron
            6. Making a soldered joint
          3. Looking at Ready-Made Add-On Boards
            1. The Gert board
            2. Pi Face
            3. Other boards
            4. Tipping your HAT
        2. Chapter 16: Making Your First Project with the Raspberry Pi
          1. Getting Started with the Blastoff Project
          2. Getting at the GPIO Pins
            1. Being aware of Raspberry Pi board revisions
            2. Making the connection
          3. Making a Breakout Board
            1. Creating the cable
            2. Wiring the cable
            3. Testing the breakout board
            4. Controlling the GPIO pins
            5. Floating GPIO pins
            6. Getting a better display
          4. Creating the Blastoff Game
            1. Making the box
            2. Making the ball traps
            3. Wiring up the Blastoff game
            4. Testing the hardware
            5. Writing the software
            6. The game logic
            7. Creating the sounds
          5. Customizing the Blastoff Game
        3. Chapter 17: Putting the Raspberry Pi in Control
          1. Using GPIO Pins as Outputs
          2. Preparing to Build the Copycat Game
          3. Choosing an LED
          4. Creating the Copycat Game
          5. Customizing the Game
          6. Making a Better Game
          7. Putting It All Together
        4. Chapter 18: The Raspberry Pi in an Analog World
          1. Exploring the Difference: Analog versus Digital
            1. Taking small steps
            2. Reading small steps
          2. Investigating Converter Chips
          3. Building the Raspberry Ripple
            1. The chip at the heart of the Ripple
            2. Putting the chip into a circuit
            3. Wiring it up
            4. Installing the drivers
            5. Using the Raspberry Ripple
            6. Testing the analog inputs
            7. Testing the analog output
          4. Making a Curve Tracer
          5. Making a Pot-a-Sketch
          6. Making Real Meters
          7. Making a Steve Reich Machine
          8. Taking the Temperature
      7. Part VI: The Part of Tens
        1. Chapter 19: Ten Great Software Packages for the Raspberry Pi
          1. Penguins Puzzle
          2. FocusWriter
          3. Mathematica
          4. XInvaders 3D
          5. Fraqtive
          6. Tux Paint
          7. Grisbi
          8. Beneath a Steel Sky
          9. The Little Crane That Could
          10. PXDrum
        2. Chapter 20: Ten Inspiring Projects for the Raspberry Pi
          1. One-Button Audiobook Player
          2. Raspberry Pi Synthesizer
          3. Ping-Pong Ball-Collecting Robot
          4. Weather Station
          5. Jukebox
          6. T-Shirt Cannon
          7. Remote-Controlled Cars
          8. Home Automation
          9. Magic Mirror
          10. Panflute Hero
      8. Appendix A: Troubleshooting and Configuring the Raspberry Pi
        1. Troubleshooting the Raspberry Pi
        2. Adjusting the Settings on Your Raspberry Pi
          1. Using Nano to edit config.txt
          2. Troubleshooting screen display issues
          3. Adjusting the screen display
          4. Exploring more advanced settings
        3. Mounting External Storage Devices
        4. Fixing Software Installation Issues
        5. Troubleshooting Your Network Connection
      9. Appendix B: The GPIO on the Raspberry Pi
      10. Appendix C: RISC OS
        1. What Is RISC OS?
        2. Seven Things We Like about RISC OS
          1. Respectful windows
          2. Contextual drop-down menus
          3. Automatically resizing menus
          4. Closing the last window does not quit
          5. True drag-and-drop
          6. Applications and files can be kept where you want them
          7. It’s easy to see inside applications
        3. What to Do Next
          1. Further exploration
          2. What RISC OS is not good at
          3. Taking it further
      11. About the Authors
      12. Cheat Sheet
      13. More Dummies Products

    Product information

    • Title: Raspberry Pi For Dummies, 2nd Edition
    • Author(s): Sean McManus
    • Release date: November 2014
    • Publisher(s): For Dummies
    • ISBN: 9781118904916