© James R. Strickland 2018
James R. StricklandRaspberry Pi for Arduino Usershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3414-3_4

4. Meet C++

James R. Strickland1 
Highlands Ranch, Colorado, USA

Let’s face it, the C and C++ languages have a bad reputation. Hard to learn, obtuse syntax, lots of ways to mishandle memory; you’ve heard it, I’m sure. You might have heard scuttlebutt that the Arduino sketch language is somehow related to C and C++, but that all the “hard stuff” was taken care of for you by the Arduino desktop application.

The truth is this. Arduino sketches are written in C++. They use the same GNU G++ compiler that Linux uses, albeit configured for 8-bit ATmega CPUs. The Arduino application does handle some things for us, and as we make the leap ...

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