How to do it...

Let's test our Redux containers:

  1. Redux containers should not have any JSX code; the best practice is to have mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps in our connect method passing another component (such as a Layout component) in the export, for example, let's see our Todo List Container:
  // Dependencies  import { connect } from 'react-redux';  import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';  // Components  import Layout from '../components/Layout';  // Actions  import { fetchTodo } from '../actions';  export default connect(({ todo }) => ({    todo: todo.list  }), dispatch => bindActionCreators(    {      fetchTodo    },    dispatch  ))(Layout);
File: src/client/todo/container/index.js
  1. You might be wondering what exactly we need to test in here. Well, ...

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