The Sprites Module

The structure of the sprites module is formed by an array of sprites and several exported functions:

/*** src/sprites.js ***/

import sound from “react-native-sound";

const coinSound = new sound(“coin.wav", sound.MAIN_BUNDLE);
let heightOfRockUp = 25;
let heightOfRockDown = 25;
let heightOfGap = 30;
let heightOfGround = 20;

export const sprites = [

function prepareNewRockSizes() {

function getRockProps(type) {

export function moveSprites(sprites, elapsedTime = 1000 / 60) {

export function bounceParrot(sprites) {

function hasCollided(mainSprite, sprite) {

export function checkForCollision(mainSprite, sprites) {

export function getUpdatedScore(sprites, score) {

This module begins by ...

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