How to do it...

Let's say that you have three panels, each with several paragraphs of text. Rather than having each panel adjust its height to accommodate the content, you can make the panels a fixed height and scrollable. Here's the code:

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';import ExpansionPanel from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanel';import ExpansionPanelSummary from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelSummary';import ExpansionPanelDetails from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelDetails';import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';import ExpandMoreIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandMore';const styles = theme => ({  panelDetails: {    flexDirection: 'column',    height: 150, overflow: ...

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